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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • The completely useless error messages kill me. And the commands that don’t do what they say… WTF is the point in “clean” and “force” if they don’t clean or force? And then there’s the inconsistency in command arguments. With one you have to use force, even though it doesn’t actually force, and the other you have to use “hard”. Hard? I mean I guess hard makes sense once you realize that force doesn’t actually mean force. Now I’m just waiting to run across the switch “–seriouslyguysimeanitthistime”.

    OMG, I can’t up vote this thread enough… git is such a purposefully exclusionary step in software development that I can’t believe it is the preferred solution. It is very powerful, but it is painfully obvious that no one has ever gone back and said, “but what if anyone else who wants to use this is not a Linux cli guru and already has an expert understanding of git commands?”. Why is it that learning to check in code is significantly harder than learning the actual IDEs that the devel uses to develop the code?

  • This particular vote is an “A\B” question. No matter what you do A or B will be chosen. All other “choices” will be ignored and will have 0 effect on the outcome. The only thing that matters in this vote is who wins.
    Not voting at all, or even voting for C, both have the exact same results as voting for whoever wins.

    So if you choose not to vote, and Trump wins, then you created the same results as if you had voted for Trump.

    If you wanted to vote against Biden but did not want to vote for Trump then you should have voted in the primaries to defeat Trump before he was the only alternative to Biden. In fact, of you had blocked Trump from being nominated again, Israel would not be doing what they are doing. Israel actively wants Trump in power, so that is why they are doing this now.

  • Pretty much every study agrees, cloth masks are not as good as n95 or surgical masks. They don’t however say that cloth does nothing. Also I have not been able to find even 1 study that looked at multilayer cloth masks. Some even state that multilayer would probably do much better than single layer, but they weren’t even going to test them to see. Pretty much every study is focused on how well masks protect the wearer, but very few focus on how well they protect others from you. The only study that I found that does talk about it, says that while less than n95 masks, that even cloth masks have a significant affect on your spreading of the virus.

  • Yes. I mean often enough that I wouldn’t call it rare.

    You are a front-end js/ts devel, aren’t you? That makes sense. I can understand why you would have such a skewed view of programming. When everything you write is disposable and might be scrapped every 2 - 3 years, comments would seem like nonsense and a waste of time.

    But that is definitely not everyone’s experience. More than half the code I have written has had a minimum 15 year life expectancy. Comments are essential to remember what I was doing in whatever random language I had to use at a given point. I might not comment on “x++;” but I sure as shit will on “x += (xDelta * yDelta + 31) / 32;” Actually, that’s not true, if the logic is complex enough for the rest of the code chunk, I might just comment on “x++;” to make it clear what x is in this case and why it needs to unconditionally be incremented here. Even if the reason seems ridiculously obvious right now. Because that shit might not be obvious at all in 10 years.