Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired 😮‍💨

  • 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • I’m mixed handed. Not to be confused with being ambidextrous.

    Mix handedness (cross dominance) is where each hand is used for different things. I write and use silverware with my left hand but if I were to throw a ball or punch something I’d use my right hand.

    Most of the time it results in me not knowing which hand doing a particular thing with will be most comfortable with.

  • Ngl I’ve always hated spaceships with those swivel designs.

    To me they would be incredibly difficult to pilot since you have to maintain awareness of its position at all times which is already hard enough in a 3d dogfight.

    And all that extra difficulty for what? I don’t see any real advantages to the design.

    This concludes my rant about something that doesn’t actually exist. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.