I really can’t even conceptualize how anyone can be so ignorant that they actually believed these evil morons would do anything to lower grocery prices.
I really can’t even conceptualize how anyone can be so ignorant that they actually believed these evil morons would do anything to lower grocery prices.
Peter Thiel just prefers JD, I guess.
Probably because of the penis.
Several models of the Mossberg 500 are going to cost you less than $500 even after the fees and taxes.
We could try but he’s likely to explode if we use one of his rockets.
My bugout bag and axe are ready so I guess I’d just stock up on ammo.
Take a sip, if you dare.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
An opinion piece from a right wing tabloid is not a valid source.
Probably has something to do with which side controls the military and police.
Hmm… i can’t blame them. The cybertruck does look like a 6yo’s drawing of a car.
No social media is a green flag IMO.
Every time a Tesla burns a devil gets it’s horns.
And, unfortunately, the President represents the people.
Youtube is the only one on this list that I use and I only use it with an ad blocker.
We are less than three weeks in.
Remember every bit of covid misinformation you heard? Those.
Most system allow for that. The major difference is that they have more than 2 viable candidates.
The most disturbing evidence of how uninformed the general public was, “Did Biden drop out?” trending in searches on election day.
I mean a little sexual distraction from all of this misery probably would leave you feeling relieved.
Think I can hold my breath until the opposition actually starts?