• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • I sympathize with you. I didn’t grow up catholic, but rather evangelical, but I can understand the realization that the people who taught you to love others have an ideology that is profoundly hateful. I remember the bewilderment and confusion that goes along with that realization. I didn’t leave the faith altogether, although at times it felt like I would, but I’m in a dramatically different place than I was a decade ago for sure.

    All that to say that I understand at least a little of what you’re going through, and I’m sorry you’re grappling with this. It helped me to realize that there are believers out there that think differently, and that the transphobes, homophobes, racists, and reactionaries don’t own the faith.

  • To quote Julia Serrano’s excellent writeup on GAC for adolescents:

    The “experimental” label is most regularly levied against puberty blockers, probably because the average person isn’t familiar with them. However, they’ve been used to treat precocious puberty since the 1980s (Comite et al., 1981; Mancuso et al., 1989) and to stave off unwanted endogenous puberties in trans youth since the mid-to-late-1990s (Cohen-Kettenis & van Goozen, 1998; van der Loos et al., 2023). For anyone interested in learning more about them, I’d recommend Giordano & Holm’s 2020 accessibly written scientific review “Is puberty delaying treatment ‘experimental treatment’?” as it answers the most commonly asked questions about the method, its efficacy, potential side effects, and so on.

    Giordano & Holm’s review also addresses another common claim levied against gender-affirming care, namely, that there aren’t any “high quality studies.” In actuality, there are many high-quality studies: sound methodologies, significant sample sizes, published in well-respected journals, etcetera. When trans-skeptical people argue this, what they really mean is that there aren’t any randomized controlled studies — where neither the doctor nor patient know whether they’ve received the medicine in question or whether they’ve received a placebo. While this certainly is the “gold standard” for medical trials, it is not logistically possible in cases such as this, as both doctors and patients would quickly surmise which group they were assigned to based upon the changes (or lack thereof) in their bodies. The review also delves into ethical issues regarding withholding this treatment that make controlled studies impossible.

    The second paragraph delves into the claim that there are no quality studies on the effects of delayed puberty. We actually have a good number of high quality studies, what we don’t have are double blind, randomized controlled studies because of the practical and ethical difficulties of doing so. This, of course, gets twisted into labeling puberty blockers as having no evidence or for being “experimental”.

  • I’m sorry that happened to you, it sounds like it was a rough time. This is something I think about with my kids, who are a few years younger than you were when this happened. We don’t give them un-monitored access to social media precisely because I know that kids that age lack the impulse control to just walk away when something like this happens or something is bothering them, so it’s so easy for a teen to get pulled into a situation online where they’re being harassed or bullied and they just don’t have the tools to disconnect from the situation on their own.

  • So, I live in Alabama and I’m not sure where any of these numbers are coming from. I agree with you in principle - that it’s unreasonable to tell people “you just need to move” - but for me has more to do with the fact that most folks that are most affected by these types of laws are already struggling, and job hunting in another state is difficult.

    But moving just one state in any direction from Alabama still puts you in either: Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, or Florida. And housing prices aren’t dramatically higher in any of those states with the exceptions of metro Atlanta or possible the coastal or metro areas of Florida, or Nashville. Median housing price in MS is actually lower than in Alabama, somehow. And as for the cost of moving, most folks that would struggle with a move aren’t going to be hiring movers, they’ll be renting a Uhaul (about $400 one way) and getting friends/family to help them load and unload it.

    That’s not to say that moving to another state is easy or even feasible for a lot of folks, especially folks that are already on the margins. I was just a little confused by the numbers in your post, lol.

  • TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.orgtoChat@beehaw.orgHow do you date?
    5 months ago

    I wasn’t going to comment on this because I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for 15 years at this point, but one thing I noticed in the comments is really interesting to me.

    Pretty much everybody is saying they know they’re attracted to someone physically/sexually right away, and that was not my experience when I was dating regularly. Maybe I’m odd, but I always found that most of the time I would get to know a person first and then I would start to notice things about them that I found attractive and kind of mold my way of thinking and looking at them around those things that I was attracted to in them. Sure, there were exceptions, there are people out there where I was just like - damn everything about that person is hot (my wife being one of those) - but I dated women with a wide variety of physical features and really the only commonality was that I liked being around them. The physical stuff was secondary (although still important) for me.

  • Better than last week, so far. I made a decision earlier in the week to try something that I’ve been wanted to do and pitched a cowriting project to my sister, who was really enthusiastic about the idea. We’ve both struggled to write in the past, I think we both have a hard time getting stuck on details. I feel like there’s a real chance that having a writing partner will help us both push through those times when we get stuck on a word or phrase or detail, because we tend to obsess about different things.

    Also, she’s better at punctuation than me, which is good because my approach to commas is usually just to sort of sprinkle them liberally wherever I would naturally pause. I know that isn’t right but so far it’s a habit I haven’t been able to break.

  • Dude, “from the data he provided” is a screenshot of a concert video from Nov 9, 1998 in Stockholm Sweden which (based on a quick search and look through their website) the “REMVideoArchive” site/channel you linked hasn’t uploaded. Neither was an official channel, the one you linked says in their about section that they’re a fansite that archives R.E.M. footage. Don’t accuse somebody of impersonating someone or stealing their work when you have zero evidence of it, that’s absolutely wild that you would do that.

  • TheRtRevKaiser@beehaw.orgtoChat@beehaw.org*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    I don’t know why you’re trying to start drama.

    The Vice article was a news article that was reporting on this leak, but it didn’t name any names and didn’t link to the leaked database. The post in question also wasn’t a beehaw post, it was a federated post from lemmy.ml. Maybe I’m misunderstanding how federation works, but I would expect lemmy.ml’s mods to handle moderating those posts.

    And, frankly, I’m not sure I disagree with the screenshot you posted elsewhere in this thread. I don’t think it was wrong for a person to leak the IronMarch forum database a few years ago, which exposed a bunch of Atomwaffen members in the US and neo-nazis elsewhere, and I’m not sure I think it’s wrong for someone to have leaked this db either.

    This isn’t “it’s okay to dox people you disagree with” or calling people with different political opinions nazis. These are actual nazis.

  • I got to play Apiary last week and really enjoyed it, although we got a rule wrong having that I think probably would have had a pretty significant effect on the flow of the game.

    I also played a game of Tyrants of the Underdark last night that was really interesting. Because of the decks we used there were almost no cards that generated influence, which led to spies and assassination (plus discard) being the main way we were interacting with each other. It was neat how drastically the marketplace deck affected how the game went.