• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • It’s not just European elites who are afraid of upheaval. It’s all of them. It’s one of the reasons why they all have bunkers, why Zuckerberg is building another one in Hawaii recently. They know that we can actually do something about them because we outnumber them by a lot, so they build these systems of control. Governments, corps, elites have all become noticeably more brazen in the past several years.

  • AI in 2077: Based on data provided by corpos about your consciousness, we’ve determined this is your shitpost from 2024 on Lemmy. You have been deemed a flight-risk by our automated predictive policing system. Here’s the number for the suicide hotline.

    Also here’s some sponsored products that may interest your wallet:

    • AI Counselor - the global metaverse phenomenon. So realistic that you’ll believe you’re talking to an actual human! 5% discount available for flagged individuals.
    • Trauma Care - our platinum plan offers priority care, now in partnership with Amazon Pharma (Joy Pills sold separately)
    • Waste disposal - if you decide dive off the deep end, be sure to contact the team ahead of time for prompt removal of your corpse and property to make way for the next tenant

  • I spent too much time with corpo brain rot to give linux a chance on desktop and realize it’s how I’d always imagined proper computing would be. It changed my outlook on the world when I finally did and it’s liberating (much libre. Very wow). Glad to see more and more people catching on to the possibility of a better future.

  • What we cannot do is move the lever out of position.

    This is what I don’t understand. We built the damn lever, the train, the tracks, and tied the people to the tracks ourselves, yet apparently we cannot do it again and are forced to pick between only two positions on the same lever which would kill the least amount of people because… why? Even if you believe yourself to be helping by voting for the lesser of evils, if you take away the fluff you’re left with your one true action, which is still ultimately choosing evil.

    There are plenty of people aware of this sorry state and who want proper change yet we continue down this road time and time again as things get progressively worse. I really don’t understand. It’s insane to me.

  • Remember the NSA director back when all the Snowden stuff happened? Keith Alexander? He joined Amazon’s board of directors in 2020. Not to mention Bezos is a particular fan of the DoD and was on the Pentagon’s advisory board.

    Why anyone would trust Amazon is beyond me. And I don’t like feeling so damn watched just for walking down a street with a bunch of Ring cameras. I can’t believe it’s so normalized to constantly watch your neighbors with a corps eyeballs.