Not a bot, I feel like one, hence the name.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Well, it’s plausible you’ve ingested enough influence from enough propaganda sources that you yourself believe what they’ve told you, & you parrot it back out, which sorta makes you, in the limited context of one comment, functionally indistinguishable from a propaganda worker, who probably has been replaced by an AI bot bc those can do more of that work.

    So ya can’t really blame me for the shorthand of just referring to you as one, yknow?

  •📄 rule
    1 month ago

    Not-super-fun fact: an 8.5 x 11 inch paper can be useful if you lack a ruler in an American office & you need to measure an inch or a foot.

    If you fold the paper like in an image I’ll try to attach, the hypotenuse is 12.01 inches.

    Edit: then you fold the 12.01 inch side against the 11 inch side to get a 1.01 inch measurement

    Not exact, but good enough if you need to know your neck size to buy a fancy shirt online - not that I would ever waste my corporation’s time that way!