
Sneaking all around the fediverse.

Also at breakfastmtm@fedia.social breakfastmtn@pixelfed.social

  • 43 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Uh… they acquired detailed plans about this attack that they just declared impossible then they received info from veteran intelligence officers that Hamas was actively preparing for the attack they said was impossible. After receiving those warnings, and also the previously disclosed warnings from Egypt, they left the area the plan said was the point of attack completely undefended. There doesn’t seem to have been any contingency plan in place to deal with this if this if it turned out to be true. It doesn’t seem unfair to say that this was an enormous intelligence and security failure.

  • The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people.

    Hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision.

    Then, in July, just three months before the attacks, a veteran analyst with Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence agency, warned that Hamas had conducted an intense, daylong training exercise that appeared similar to what was outlined in the blueprint. . . . But a colonel in the Gaza division brushed off her concerns, according to encrypted emails viewed by The Times.

    This is some crazy shit in here.

  • I don’t think that was ever considered seriously as a solution though. The legislation is specifically about links. If they genuinely thought that Google was stealing their content, they’d go after them for copyright infringement. I’m not going to lose any sleep over Google paying Canadian news organizations, but this whole thing is a bit of a grift. And the news organizations know it’s a grift. It would be trivial for them to prevent Google from indexing them. They want those links and they need them. They make money from them – that’s why they have people on staff to do SEO. If those links are presented well, people are more likely to click them. I don’t think that needs much explanation. Even on here, if someone puts in the effort to have a good headline/title, image, and summary, I’m way more likely to click on the post and click through to the article. On the other hand, the news orgs would be fools not to accept $74 million in no-strings-attached money. What’s true for news organizations is also true for everyone else too though. Who among us wouldn’t be foolish to walk away from tens of millions of free dollars? The next in line now gets to say, “Why them and not us?”

    Even baby steps toward a pay-to-play internet are steps in the wrong direction. This might not “break the internet” on it’s own but licensing links like copyrighted works is moving us along that path.

  • Saying ‘the boy who cried wolf’ when Nazis and state actors are both active in this space just isn’t good enough. It isn’t that hard to say that criticism of Israel isn’t inherently antisemitic and say that antisemitism is vile. Reflexively dismissing claims of antisemitism gives cover to Nazis to commit antisemitic acts. People aren’t jumping into every discussion of antisemitism to say, “Golly, I sure hope they aren’t including valid criticism of Israel in these numbers!” They’re saying (or at least implying) that the actions described were either justifiable or ought to be dismissed.

    This article even states that 21% of counted incidents were anti-Israel, and a further 5% were anti-imperialist.

    It’s wrong to say that criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic. It’s also wrong to say that it’s impossible to be antisemitic as long as you’re criticizing Israel. Every Nazi in the world is critical of Israel. They’d be overjoyed to attack Jews in the name of Palestine so long as they get to attack Jews. Protesters chanting “Death to Jews” is antisemitism, even if it occurs at a pro-Palestinian rally. To use an example from the article, harassing a Jewish student in Germany for the actions of the Israeli government isn’t valid criticism of Israel, regardless of the criticism; the idea that Jews are collectively responsible for those actions is racist. That’s not remotely the same thing as criticism or opposition to Israeli settlements in the West Bank, for example. They don’t deserve a blanket defense. Regarding the two examples of antisemitism above, we should be furious that racist dipshits are smuggling that bullshit into Palestinian solidarity movements, not offering them protection.

  • I’d argue that you’re missing the point: reflexively dismissing claims of antisemitism gives cover to Nazis to commit acts of antisemitism.

    This article isn’t even about Israel. Only 21% of the incidents are even related to anti-Israel activism. Is there some valid criticism here I’m missing? Is blaming some random Jewish student for the actions of the Israeli government what passes for valid criticism these days? Even if you dismiss those incidents (and you shouldn’t), this is overwhelmingly about antisemitism. Chiming in to suggest that whatever occurred was either justified or imaginary isn’t helpful.

    I’d also argue that you’re missing an opportunity to say that solidarity with Jews against antisemitism and solidarity with Palestinians aren’t mutually exclusive. We can do both.