
  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2022


  • I agree, this is going to hopefully change over time, in the past 10 years these sorts of hobbies have begun to take off in the global south as well, and particularly in places like China, but naturally here on the English speaking side of the internet we won’t see their views represented nearly as much as the average chud crackerite redditor who also have the same interests.

    This along with videogames and many other digital media become cheaper over time, not to mention piracy almost being the norm in places like Brazil, Russia and India, should hopefully make the sub-culture less reactionary in the future.

  • I think you have to start by understanding that “gaming” or “geek” culture seeming like it leads to reactionary views or pipelines has a lot more to do with who “gamers” actually are, not what their hobby happens to be.

    In most cases, videogames, table top RPGs, Warhammer 40k, pretty much any of the stuff you’d typically associate with the subculture, all of these things have been nearly entirely out of the reach of the vast majority of poorer working class kids in the past 30 odd years. As tough as it might be to hear, these have always been expensive and toys, hobbies and privileges to take part in, with maybe the exception of comic books, nearly everything else has a fairly steep entry fee, needing to buy computers, several books, figurines, videogames, merchandise etc.

    It’s really no wonder then, that the majority of people who are actually able to keep up with these costs will disproportionately be cis white men from the imperial core, as the group that happens to be at the top of the social structure of the world with the most amount of disposable income. And I think this is where the problem really stems from.

    It’s not that geeks and gamers just happen to be more likely to become reactionary, it’s actually somewhat the opposite. Reactionaries, through their inherent privileged position in the world, are simply more able to get into this lifestyle in the first place. Geek culture and fascist/reactionary views might seem correlated, but they’re both just part of a path of least resistance for a certain type of person.

  • Not exclusively, it’s been used for a very long time to target socialists and indigenous people in the Americas as well, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile’s dictatorships used it as a dog-whistle against their indigenous people, and perhaps even more so against their socialist movements.

    During the cold war the “Judeo Christian” thing started to gain traction with reactionaries in the west as a way of distancing themselves from the “Judeo Bolsheviks” in the socialist bloc, how their values where better because they combined Judaism with Christianity, rather than Marxism, which was inherently meaningless because neither had anything to do with Judaism, and western liberalism has arguably little to do with Christian values either.

  • This is an excuse that people have made for the deprogram guys for over 2 years now. I know because I myself was under the same impression. But this is proven to be completely bullshit and irrelevant for quite a while now. The whole “they are appealing to libs and want to take a centrist approach to sensitive topics” crap completely went out the window the moment they decided to comment in support of Gaza in the wake of the genocide since last October. All their channels got blacklisted from advertisers and they decided to throw caution to the wind and drop any pretense in their revolutionary messaging, since they have nothing to lose anymore. Just look at any of JT’s videos since October, and this is most evident.

    If the goal was to cultivate a following of liberals and western moderates then start to slowly get them radicalized, it has failed or rather the plan has been long derailed. They ended up attracting a load of ultras and weirdos, which they’ll never convince of anything regardless. I think even they know this at some level because their messaging has shifted.

    If they’re ready to tell the truth about Gaza, then they should do the same for Ukraine, simple as that. From here on, any milquetoast or weak spirited commentary should be rightfully called out, we should expect better from them.