Apparently my current shtick is that I talk about knives at great length. Also motorcycles.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • People decided that minivans were “wimpy” and “for soccer moms,” so now they’re a stigma around them. I dunno, I wound up being foisted a rental Nissan Quest at one point for about a week and it was pretty alright by me.

    I do own one of those massive trucks everyone hates (but not really, it’s a 90’s Silverado that’s well before the stupid trend of putting the hood line nine feet in the air for no reason) but I only ever drive it when I need to move a Big Dumb Object. The rest of the time it lives in my driveway, which is most of the time. When I need it, it’s clutch. The rest of the time, it’s a stupid vehicle to use as a daily driver.

  • Well, for one I think we’ve played the sum total of what Assassin’s Creed has to offer, at this point. I haven’t seen Ubisoft bring anything much new or compelling to the table since… AC3? I think? I’ve been doing just fine without it for all these years.

    IIRC there were some racing games that actually did show you real ads on billboards and pit walls and so forth, which were updated over the internet. Need For Speed: Carbon did this, I think. I’m certain there are already other similar examples, and you’ll probably find them in something published by EA.

    I’m all for giving the finger to the megacorporate publishers who do this, though. I have got so many fuckin’ indie games in my Steam library still, many of which I haven’t played much or at all, a large portion of which are great, and all of which will give me something to do other than put up with what the predatory behavior du jour is (advertisements, subscriptions, lootboxes, battle passes, microtransactions, or whatever the fuck else).

  • I think self checkouts have their place in the world, but too many suits with low brain cell counts have tried to treat them as the panacea for everything, and got dollar signs in their eyes and started salivating when they saw the prospect of firing all their cashiers. But they really don’t lend themselves well to a lot of types of retail establishments.

    The Walmarts near me are exclusively self checkout at most hours of the day. They still have a dozen or more normal checkout lanes, but they’re almost always unmanned. Instead, they corral everyone into their “open concept” self checkout area which is a nightmare of shopping carts bumping into each other and customers with zero situational or spatial awareness stepping on each other’s toes. The best part is, the machines get their knickers in a twist so often that they now have pretty much exactly as many employees standing around the self checkouts to babysit customers and unjam the machines (and watch for theft, I’m sure) as they had normal checkout cashiers in the first place.

    Both of our local Home Depots have self checkout “desks,” each of which is a big table with the scanner and monitor facing the customer. I suppose their self checkout theft rates have gotten so high that they’ve converted all of their checkouts back to cashier operated ones, but they kept the same self checkout machines… Just, the employee operates it instead of you. So we’ve come full circle and just reinvented the normal checkout but worse, because both you and the employee are on the same side of the same counter breathing in each other’s faces.

    I do like the single self checkout kiosk at the Autozone across the street, though, simply because their entire staff seems to be perpetually doing something that doesn’t involve helping customers or addressing the ever-lengthening line in any capacity whatsoever. And also practically no one else has twigged to the self checkout machine at all. So when I just need a can of Brakleen or a quart of oil or whatever the fuck, I can just scan it and bounce while everyone else is standing around in line growing old.