hitagi (ani.social)


  • 72 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Slay the Spire: surprisingly addicting for a simple card game. I played other online card games in the past and its the first I enjoyed deck building. I got fed up though because I lost to the third boss in my Watcher run. I’m doing an Ironclad run again because he’s my favorite.

    Oxygen Not Included: I put almost 30 hours in my first two days. I like Rimworld more for the combat but it’s still pretty fun.

    I’m thinking of buying Civilization V on Steam. I’m fed up with League of Legends, I need something else to play especially for the summer.

  • I have only one more movie left to watch from Satoshi Kon. I’ve seen all of his other works. The most recent one being Tokyo Godfathers which steered a bit away from what we normally see from Kon. This one is probably the most “normal” of his works but I guess the charm of it comes from its characters (a runaway child, an alcoholic man, a transgender woman) all of whom are homeless appearing to be like a nuclear family. It’s pretty rare to see such characters in a more grounded Tokyo in the anime medium but they aren’t accurate depictions of homelessness either, nor did that seem to be the point of the movie. I also liked how pieces of Paranoia Agent are visible here (or the other way around).

    I’m excited to watch Paprika later today or this week. That should wrap up my Satoshi Kon viewing experience. After that, I’m not sure if I should also complete the works of other anime directors. Maybe Hideaki Anno next?

  • I saw The Boy and the Heron in theaters a few days ago! I thought it was incredibly fun. A little bit slow at first with an awkward beat or two but a lot of the fantastic elements come pouring in after the first act. I found it a bit difficult to understand though.

    More of my thoughts (spoilers):

    It’s set during World War II but the images are nothing like Grave of the Fireflies or The Wind Rises. It’s a lot more abstract and it’s hard to draw direct relationships with what was on screen with the war. I think most people can point out some of the more absurdist themes however. The movie being magical realist helps. There’s a scene that talks about fabricating an ideal world versus living in the real world which might be the basis of its other themes on memory and existentialism. I don’t want to spoil so much.

    and the warawara are so cute!

  • There’s a term used in anime called 無国籍 “mukokuseki” which refers to “statelessness”. In a lot of anime, it’s really hard to tell what specific race, nationality, or ethnicity a character is purely out of their design. Anime characters have varying degrees of colored hair and eyes. Their eyes are round and very often they have light skin. When you compare them to racial caricatures, they probably look closer to that of a “Western person” (American or European).

    Although one can make out a character is “Japanese” based on their practices and environment, it becomes difficult when they’re put in a setting that doesn’t indicate this (like in fantasy).

    While I do appreciate diversity in anime, I hope the industry doesn’t go down the path that some Western studios and companies have taken. Particularly, commodifying cultures and ethnicities of marginalized people all over the world (Disney for example). There’s already a lot of misrepresentations in anime and otaku culture in general (not just in terms of race and ethnicitity but also in gender, sexuality, mental health, etc), and there’s a lot of room for improvement. It becomes increasingly important though as anime “globalizes” and there’s an increasing demand and interest for such representations.

  • @hitagi@ani.social appointed some random internet person making a weekly discussion post as a moderator to this community

    I’ve seen your efforts in the .ml counterparts so I wouldn’t say you’re “some random internet person”. I really appreciate the effort and time you put into making this place as it is now. And I am surprised as well by how quick this community has grown. I enjoy reading a lot of the discussions put out here!

    I just checked and with only 300+ subscribers, !anime has 180 active users, making it the most active local community and the highest activity-to-subscriber ratio. That’s good progress.

  • I remember the first time I completed RimWorld. Kept all three OG colonists alive. Two of them got married. The husband was an old farmer, had dementia, bad back, and was eventually bedridden for a long time. His wife was a doctor and she’d visit the hospital everyday to check up on him. The third colonist, Oneesan, became a Countess and was so full of herself that she never worked. She spent her entire day meditating in her throne room.

    Also shoutout to Tracker, a recruited waster, who did some of the craziest shit like single handedly stopping a siege with a sniper rifle, and breaking up a fight between us, mechanoids, and pirates with a rocket launcher.