• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Not quite, in order to have a technology you need methods, materials and society needs to be ready for the tech.

    I recently learned that 50 years ago someone filed a patent for solar panels with more than 20% efficiency and the us government was like yeah its too revolutionary so you can’t sell this nor tell anyone about this unless it is US military. Imagine we all could have had >20% solar panels 50 years ago, even today we are only marginally above 20% efficiency.

    Another example, would be the company who made the iPhone like device well before iPhone but the market wasn’t ready.

    Another example that is fucked up. Governments are starting to restrict AI for consumers but also using AI to kill children in Gaza.

    I’m pretty sure a lot early doctors were also burned at stakes because they were called witches or smth.

  • At the time probably yes, now we don’t know/probably not. Note that love is complicated and has different types like there is passionate love and companionate love. Passionate love rises quickly within 6 months to 1.5 years, it reaches its peak. Then it goes down hill and within 7 years it goes to its lowest point. This happens to everybody not just you, naturally this love converts into companionate love over this time and when that does not happen it needs to end. Companionate love is slow in rising but it is also more lasting. Two main components of companionate love are 1) emotional intimacy - ability to share anything 2) commitment - that feeling that it is YOUR responsibility to help them if they need something. Any action that violates these will result in losing love.

    Some actions that hurt love: lying, hiding things, feeling you’re the only one who cares etc.

    Know this, true love or companionate love is something both people nurture and grow, you cannot do it all on your own. If it ended then something went wrong, maybe nobody was at fault.

    Take your time and heal my friend.

  • I meant changing the outcome because you saw something in the dream.

    I don’t think the future is fully determined. Just some parts have to be because of our actions. I have some theories:

    Theory 1: maybe the universe is like a machine, and while it gives the impression that everything is possible, reality is that some outcomes are just not possible due to some limitation. Kinda like a game, you can have infinitely many possibilities of actions in an open world game but still there will be some options not possible because you choose some action at the start.

    Theory 2: maybe there really is someone who controls what happens in this universe. Like our dream is the announcement that something will happen but the enforcement happens later. And the exact nature of the enforcement depends on our and everybody else’s actions. In other words it is not decided what will happen but whatever happen will not go against the dream. We just dont know what other things could have happened given a dream.

    Of Course nobody knows the true nature, and we can only guess and ponder about it.

  • I always thought it was my head messing with me until i started telling my friend about it. And then they still come true and at least she knows that it is not my memories being faulty.

    Have you ever tried changing the outcome? I feel like if we were to try this would cause a paradox and then we wouldn’t get the dream in the first place.

    I have thought about changing the outcome but I always come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be me if i did it. Like if i saw myself avoiding someone then it usually is that person does something later that i would avoid them anyways.

    Really interesting stuff but yeah most people wouldn’t believe us which is understandable.