• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • When will scientists just self-publish?

    It’s commonplace in my field (nuclear physics) to share the preprint version of your article, typically on arxiv.org. You can update the article as you respond to peer reviewers too. The only difference between this and the paywalls publisher version is that version will have additional formatting edits by the journal.

    If you search for articles on google scholar, it groups the preprint and published versions together so it’s easy to find the non-paywalled copy. The standard journals I publish in even sort of encourage this; you can submit the latex documents and figures by just putting the url to an arxiv manuscript.

    The US Department of Energy now requires any research they fund be made publicly available. So any article I publish is also automatically posted to osti.gov 1 year after its initial publication. This version is also grouped into the google scholar search results.

    It’s an imperfect system, but it’s getting much better than it was even just a decade ago.

  • That’s wild. I’ve always sent people copies when they reach out. It’s especially easy to do so with ResearchGate, but that does require the requester make an account there.

    Another option is to ask a librarian to find that specific article, rather than getting them to subscribe to the journal. I had to do this once in grad school for an article in a discontinued journal from the 70s. The librarian found another library that had it and they faxed a copy.

  • Idk how a 10 minute drive is a half hour walk. Average walking speed is 3 mph, so a half hour is 1.5 miles. If you’re driving that in 10 minutes, you’re only averaging 9 mph.

    I don’t mean to pile on here because I understand your frustration. I grew up in NYC where basically no one drives, and didn’t get a driver’s license until my 30s when I moved to California for work. Even then I put off getting a car for years, since I like walking and don’t mind “decent” public transit.

    But it just became impossible to continue. My commute was an hour and 45 minutes (one way), with about 40 minutes of walking, a train and a bus. I like walking but when it was over 100 degrees in the summer, or raining, or a wildfire smoke day it was miserable. The buses run every 30 minutes so if there’s a missed connection the commute becomes over 2 hours (still just one way). And the train has only 1 line so when there’s a mechanical issue you’re out of luck and just have to call an Uber anyway.

    I finally broke down and got a car. My commute is now 30 minutes each way. The gas for my commute is somehow cheaper than the public transit. It’s ridiculous and it shouldn’t be this way, but it is.

  • Interestingly, the journal editors have released an expression of concern earlier this year for this article and others by the same author.

    SAGE Publishing has been made aware of scientific concerns regarding the work of Dr. Nicholas Guéguen. Multiple concerns have been raised regarding the integrity of the research including but not limited to concerns around data fidelity, replicability of findings, and ethical consent and oversight for studies involving human participants. SAGE Publishing’s Research Integrity Team, in cooperation with this journal’s editors, are currently conducting an investigation into these articles.

    This expression of concern will remain in place until the investigation is completed and any further needs for appropriate action have been taken.