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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “I like horses”. Proceeds and takes one of my horse with one of their horses. I take their horse with my pawn. “Don’t fuck with my horsies” I get as a response.

    Two-three turns later (this was 20 years ago, forgive me) I can check them by grabbing the same horse with a bishop.

    “Why dont you like my horsies”? I get as a response

    I proceeded to check mate two turns after that. It was a competition, I proceeded to the semifinals after this. I lost that semifinal due to a skillful check mate including a horse to lock it down. And the person from the previous game leaned over at the end turn saying " that is my backup horse"

    I laughed my ass off and I’m not sure I could get of the check situation but fuck I lost my focus

  • But I never used a royal “We”, in fact “we” was never used in my text at all. I used us, to refer to all the other comments that you can note does not agree with your assessment of open source.

    Instead of you arguing my “cheap rhetorical skills”, how about you actually answer more than, estimated, a fifth of my statements? How about you stop with your own victimization of " what really hurts me". Because that, in essence, is actually cheap rhetorics.

    I fully agree that when companies do this, that it is disgusting. But you have to take a step back and look at the actual effect. This is not by any means new, it happened likely before I was even conceived.

    What would you say your point is. To shame grayjoy or make a point that this is a threat to open source? Both? Neither?

  • Your argument there also falls flat because you are making the argument “i made an an irrelevant argument to prove this other point”. You are by your own points arguing that this is bigger than grayjoy and using Windows illegally leaked source code as a reference to that argument? I dont really care about what grayjoy does at this point, it will prove itself over time , but you furthering some idea of of OMG through your sensationalist headline and this point that what grayjoy is doing is a threat to open source code, OSI, and the free software movement is just unnecessary fear. I’m past 40 and let me tell you. Chill. The average user does not care about OSS, the engineer does. The real threat comes when we have nowhere to distribute or host the code, or even can write code that isnt touched by rules and regulations. What a singular entity choose to brand their code as? Has happened hundreds, if not thousands of times before. And all of those instances have garnered no business based on it. The actual threat is Oracle and the likes, not whatever half measure grayjoy is so IMO you skip the sensationalist headlines. And chill. You can judge them if you want but this isn’t a threat to open source in whatever form

  • If the people selling are passing someone else’s work as their own, that’s stealing. Otherwise, it’s just Free Software working as intended.

    Do you not see the contradiction in this statement? Where do you find the line of what is stealing and “working as intented”?

    If someone is writing software but wants to prevent redistribution, then go ahead and make a license that forbids it. But then don’t get to call it “Open Source” or anything like that.

    There are so many licenses for this model already, I’m inclined to believe that you havent actually published any OSS yourself and your attitude in these threads are mildly said, off putting.

    I am a big fan of OSI and support their work, but you are treating them (based in what i can read in this thread) like some holy, all defining entity, of what is open source. They are not, and true open source, cannot, and should not, ever derive its power from a central agency setting rules and definitions. If that happens, that will be the end of open source.

    Please stop gatekeeping OSS, it hurts all of us

    Edit: some autocomplete stupid grammar