• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summoning hype train

    Housing is something I’ve wanted forever! It gives me something that I can truly call my own. I wonder if it will allow the use of guild decorations and if there is any outdoor space for a small roller beetle track. I am also curious if any achievements could reward us with decorations that are unique to that event, such as pieces of a world boss, or heads from smaller enemies(that are not unique).

    Spears! It’s interesting, not sure yet how I really feel about them.

    I’ve never been into raids, I consider myself too casual, but I do enjoy open world events.

    Warclaw rework could be interesting, I wonder if we could see mounted combat.

    Releasing on Epic is also good, as it brings more players to the game.

  • So, I just walk into the film studios lobbies(Everyone of them) and ask them for an Ethernet cord, I proceed to connect my NAS to it and download every movie released by that same film studio. I’ve never had an issue from them.

    Because, everything on the internet is true, right? Maybe I posted a totally false statement because it sounds good on the area of the internet I posted, or maybe I didn’t make a totally inaccurate and false statement and want everyone to know how amazing it is. The world will never know!

  • We can try to break it down a little. Work notifications are not very exciting, so it probably doesn’t give us a dopamine hit, however the notifications could be stressful if they are always about work and timelines. Study might be beneficial, it really depends on if it is a reminder or wants us to perform an action. Play varies widely, from a notification that a friend is or wants to play a game, to a developer has posted their weekly digest of what’s been happening, these tend to give us dopamine as well as they can be interesting to learn about what’s happening.