Learn how to properly backup your data in case you nuke something you shouldn’t
Learn how to properly backup your data in case you nuke something you shouldn’t
How else do you die of salmonella
They trying to run a console game on pc?
I usually stop at a grocery store on my commute, but if I just need something real quick I just walk to one of the three grocery stores down the street, but loading up the car on the way home is just much easier
Is he buddy’s with Peter thiel and all the vampires that support trump and want to live forever
Is it like a stenotype?
So like cooking, if you are making a recipe of something new it’s important to follow the recipe to know how it tastes then next time you know what to tweak to make it taste more like what you like
We should have done the same
But first they’ll have to be made into an aunt so they become a crossed aunt
I thought it was fart but I just shat
haha no im just used to finding things on steam where I check info like controller support or OS and reviews, sometimes Ill look up gameplay on youtube but thats about it
Oh damn I forgot games have websites sometimes
Think tanks go brrrr
Probably depends on your life style and what you do for work. I work in front of a computer so I browse on the side and see stuff, but take a teacher who is focused on kids all day doesn’t have much of a chance to get caught up on stuff