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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • There are three reasons that “good landlords” seem to be scarce:

    • People tend to be more vocal about bad experiences than good, so we’ll definitely hear more about the bad ones

    • Many people decided to become a landlord because it outpaced other “investments” greatly, especially if you’re a shitty landlord who doesn’t put profit back into maintaining said “investment”

    • Many of the good landlords that did exist and weren’t gouging eventually got hit with a bad tenant that cost them a lot of suffering and $$$ while being extremely difficult to evict. Whether it’s true or not, I still hear current ones who say they’re charging [crazy amount] to pad for the eventual $20k bill when a bad tenant wrecks their place (and these days it’s not hard to do $20k+ in damage)

    Also per the comic: I’ve never heard of anyone tipping a landlord, good or bad

  • I’d say the condom thing is also because it raises the risk level considerably, not just because it was dishonest. It’s not just the act they didn’t consent to but the risk of unnoticed m unprotected sex.

    BUT, by that token the risk level of having your sex-acts put on the internet for potential millions to see - including family members, potential employers, etc - is still considerable. It can ruin lives in different but still very significant ways.

    These scum deserve to be stuffed in a cell.

  • Yeah, I think an important thing parents need to do (apart from tearing down their kids for no reason) is differentiate DOING something dumb versus BEING dumb.

    A comment my dad made long ago when I was young kinda stuck with me “For a kid who’s really smart you sure do some really dumb shit sometimes”

    I’ve tried to phrase things like that to my kids, not “you dumbass why did you do that?” but more along “you’re smart enough to know you shouldn’t do that, so why did you?”

  • More that the nature of the indoors location had an increased likelihood of hitting a innocent bystander.

    Maybe you’re more justified in somebody if it’s a 2-on-1 situation and you feel like your life is threatened, but pull out a gun and start blasting and you also put the lives of anyone within a certain distance around your target in danger.

    Given the lack of apparent weapons on the “assailants”, drawing on them might have been sufficient to disengage and assess without actually needing to fire the weapon at all

  • Meh. If they’ve still got some free ones to give out I’ll take it.

    But in all seriousness, the Quest 2 is pretty good hardware, especially for the price. The problem is that Meta tried to build an ecosystem around monetization and then bring people in, rather than building something that appeals to most people and still allows them to profit. Kinda the opposite of the Facebook model really, which became a defacto online community and kinda kept the monetization a little quieter or behind the scenes for a long time

  • As a fellow Canadian… I think we’re at least as bad if not possibly worse than the Americans.

    One of the reasons that we’re getting fucked so badly on prices here is that the government has allowed so much power of industry to be concentrated into so few hands, and this has only gotten worse over time.

    The government - at the behest of industry -literally tried to force tech companies to pay for linking to news articles, despite the fact that those links actually bring business TO said news companies.

    The Irving’s in eastern Canada are no better than DuPonte or PG&E. There’s something seriously dirty going on there.

    The Ford’s in Ontario, and the current shit-show in Alberta are just as fucked up as any red state.

    We’re no better than the Americans, just less visible on the world stage as we sit in their shadow.