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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024

  • This is anecdotal to me, but I remember going to the mall a whole lot as a kid cuz my mom liked shopping at the stores there. Nowadays, she still shops at the same stores, but usually through their own websites. For me, when I learned how to drive and could go to the mall myself, it was probably only to go to a place like Gamestop, since the one in the mall was the closest to me. Again, online shopping, and especially being able to download games through like, Xbox Live, the eShop (and Steam, but I wasn’t really into PC gaming until much more recently) was much more convenient than having to drive 20-30 minutes to the mall.

    EDIT: Another thing I remembered is that a Target opened up closer to where I lived, so it just became more convenient to shop there for stuff like cheap clothes vs brand name places like H&M. They also sold stuff you couldn’t buy at the mall like groceries, so it was more enticing, i guess.

    Recently I went back to the mall I grew up around and it was a lot more empty. One of the really big stores that was there when I was a kid was Sears and they’re gone now, and that mall had a TON of space dedicated to Sears. No one has come to lease that space. The mall has a sprawling parking lot that’s mostly empty now.

    I remember as a kid there were always like, crazy extravagant displays at the mall around the Holiday Season, and things like raffles where you could win a new car or something, but I don’t think any of that has happened there in recent years to nearly the same scale.

    I wouldn’t say this mall is completely dead yet (I visited a different mall that had like, maybe 5 stores open and a lot of converted office space in it on a Saturday afternoon and that was eerie and dead while still being open to the public), but I think its on its way out.

  • There’s one thing I forgot to consider in my original reply and I’m sorry for that. With TrueNAS you’d probably have to copy your data off of the existing drives to somewhere else because they will have to be reformatted to create a ZFS pool. I don’t know if that is practical for you, so please don’t feel like the following is something you must do or anything.

    I think you’re doing great. Sorry for the late reply. To answer your questions:

    1. TrueNAS Scale is an OS that is built on top of Debian. Using TrueNAS makes set up simpler to set up, but you could implement what you want with a Debian install, but if you were to install TrueNAS, it would replace whatever existing OS you have installd.
    2. Yes, TrueNAS would manage your filesystem. It can manage your hard drives for you. Its UI isn’t too hard to understand, and it can be accessed and managed through a web browser on your Laptop.
    3. TrueNAS has some software packages in the form of docker containers, they are managed through the TrueNAS UI. You can browse them though their website here. My advice with these apps would be to set up your NAS with all of the drives in storage pools first before installing these. If theres something you want that isn’t supported, TrueNAS can also set up Virtual Machines, and you can use one of those to run those services, provided your CPU supports it and its turned on in the BIOS. If you go need to go down this route, you will have to set up a bridge network in TrueNAS in order to get the VM to communicate with TrueNAS over your network, but that’s not particularly hard or anything.
    4. You will need to run TrueNAS on its own computer, yes. What I was suggesting was installing TrueNAS as the OS on your Desktop. Idk if thats practical for you or not, since doing so would need you to wipe everything on the boot drive of your Desktop, so idk if you have a place to copy any important data off of it to.

    In terms of comprehension, yeah I think you’ve got it. I think a NAS system would handle your caching idea for you, if I’m understanding you correctly. Having a good file sharing setup over LAN, whether its using NFS, or Samba would allow you to mount a folder from your Desktop on your Laptop and access them.

    For files that you want to have access to when not on your home network, you could set up a folder that Syncthing tracks on your Desktop, sync that with your Laptop, and then have access to them that way.

  • I think others have mentioned TrueNAS as an OS for your Desktop. TrueNAS uses ZFS which is nice cuz it uses RAM to help with speeding up file operations. TrueNAS makes it easy to set up NFS shares if your laptop is running a Unix-like OS, or Samba, for anything else. IDK how much RAM is in your desktop, but if you can get that to 16 or 32 GB, you’d be set on that front.

    For dealing with an OS you don’t want to change, I’d think about the following first:

    What is the speed of your network card in the Desktop? If its 100mbit, you may want to look into upgrading that, if possible to at least a Gigabit card for PCIe. That would speed up anything you do with it.

    As for needing local sync for when you’re away from your home network, Syncthing could maybe do what you want. TrueNAS can run Syncthing pretty easily as well, but it can be installed on anything, though, idk how this works if you set Syncthing to track a folder thats also one mounted on your local machine via NFS/Samba. Syncthing will just sync the most recent changes to a file to the server, so you can sync when you’re on your home network. Assuming that no one will modify the same files on your desktop when you’re away.

  • Tangentially related, but I remember being in college when Tesla was like starting to take off. Like the Model S had just come out. I went to one of the Tesla internship presentations on campus and listened to some of the people who had the internship the previous year and they talked about how they were pulling like, 60+ hour weeks and that they had like, a shuttle that ran all throughout the night to take them from the workplace to the housing. Some talked about going back home at like 3AM, and then showing up for work again at 8AM. It really sounded kind of like it would be a very stressful experience and I didn’t even want to apply after listening to it. I guess they were paid well, but

    Sounds like things have only gotten way more chaotic since then