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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m not sure it’s good to approach this with a “how do I get rid of” mindset. Unless you have some other specific circumstances, these are conditions that we live with. However, working with a doctor can help. Also, your own personal experience will, too. Diet, topical products, and possibly medication could all play a role. I have had excema and dandruff for my whole life, but thru watching what I eat and keeping track of what I use, I have a pretty good system that works for me. I didn’t get the excema figured out until my mod twenties (from a management standpoint), and the dandruff until mod thirties, but I feel OK about those things now. I would have been better off, I think, if I consulted with a doctor as a teen. I really recommend this. Don’t be afraid of a second opinion.

  • I’m in a position to buy old vehicles only. My current vehicle is more than 20 years old, and I don’t plan to replace it soon. However, from my view, the sooner more options exist, the sooner folks like myself won’t be driving otherwise reliable, but more polluting, vehicles. I don’t even drive that much, about 1000 miles this year. So I could be driving what, 6000 or 7000 miles a year but having a smaller impact, but not until something like 2040 or even later at this rate.

    Anyway, why push back? My winter climate isn’t ideal for electric but people do it and I expect that to improve over time. We need it now, so others can have it then. My thoughts. For disclosure, I wasn’t able to read the article. I apologize if I am off point 🙂