roux [he/him, comrade/them]

It’s me, the Communist.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023


  • Lol, this post reminded me I never set up my fonts in VSCodium. Fixed!

    For programming, I use JetBrains Mono. I saw it on a post on /r/programmerhumor once and sort of fell in love with it. Using it with a Tokyo Night theme in VSCodium(officially) and it’s really nice. Here’s a quick screenshot with some JS and HTML to get an idea:

    For Sans, I really like both Roboto and SegoeUI but any of the top fonts on FontSource are nice. I’m using Poppins for a website now but I don’t like how it looks with heavier weights. It’s pretty thick. The CSS framework I am using has Inter as it’s first font and then falls back to the usual suspects. So Inter is starting to grow on me just for readability. Might switch back to it from Poppins to makes my life easier. I also like Montserrat because I’m basic. Lato, not so much. Also Arial and Helvetica are nice fallbacks.

    For Serif, I’m not super picky but like you said, anything “newsy-looking” is probably good. I for some reason like Roboto Slab. I donno what the difference is between Serif and Slab though, if any.

  • For like a few years after I graduated I was going through my reformist phase and sort of wanted to go back and get a minor in PoliSci or something, but after I started getting more into theory I moved to the revolutionary camp and am at least thankful for not going further in debt.

    It’s funny because I had 2 history professors and a econ professor that were all fairly cynical and jaded and I think they are partially responsible for my college era radicalizing. My econ prof was a former banker and was like “this is stupid and we just make money by using your money to make more money and it’s all stupid.” One of my history profs basically taught the same material you will get from reading “A People’s History of the United States” and watching the documentary “The Untold History of the United States.”

    I also had a PoliSci professor that I appreciated because he taught in a fairly unbiased way that I was unable to peg if he was Dem, Rep, or other. It was a rarity since the college I went to was in the TX panhandle.