• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I think you need to look into string concatenation, the easiest and best of which is f strings. You could do something like;

    print(f’welcome, {nam}')

    You could also “add” the strings together.

    print('welcome, ’ + nam)

    Another thing, when assigning the output of something to a variable, you can think of it as “the result of the code right of the equals sign is the value of the variable”.

    The input function assumes that the value should be interpreted as a string, but what if want it to be a number? You can just wrap another function around your input

    user_number = int(input(‘what’s the number?’))

  • thisisnotgoingwell@programming.dev
    toScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    1 month ago

    +1 on the book idea. Sounds like a delightful read. I have a similar philosophy as well that’s worked for me. I’ve never once cared about getting credit or props, I make my boss/team look like geniuses. That naturally tends to reward you as well. Great individual contributors are actually pretty rare. Out of hundreds of engineers I’ve worked with closely, only a few were brilliant in the way you described.

    If you’re looking for related reading, perhaps for inspiration, there’s a great book called

    Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain.

    I highly recommend it.

  • thisisnotgoingwell@programming.dev
    toScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    1 month ago

    I work as an engineer for a huge financial company, so I relate. I was a scrappy upstart who worked himself through the lowest tiers of my industry towards the top. I’m also neurodivergent.

    I can speak on for days about how bosses don’t care who’s doing the work as long as it gets done.

    As a top performer, you’re likely to feel that people should perform at the standards you set, and your natural first instinct is probably to try to train and educate your coworkers. You soon realize that they either don’t give a shit or they’re offended that you’re giving them advice. No problem, we live in a hierarchical society, so you tell your boss about the problems you face, they’ll have your back, right? Wrong. You’re rocking the boat, and the boss’ job is to keep the boat afloat.

    Now, instead of rocking the boat, you start to wonder if you there’s a way you can change the current of the water so the boat goes in the proper direction. That’s where wisdom and skill meet. There’s an incredible amount of depth involved in influencing people and change. I wish it wasn’t the way of the world, but it is. Being brilliant is only half the battle.

  • thisisnotgoingwell@programming.dev
    toScience Memes@mander.xyzNever Forget
    2 months ago

    There’s a documentary on YouTube called “The internet’s own boy”, if you want to learn more. Basically, he was offered a 6 month plea, but he would be a convicted felon, and basic logic/morality tells you that you shouldn’t plead guilty to a crime that you didn’t commit. However, the justice system is very imperfect, and often people plead guilty for reduced sentencing even if they’re not guilty. He stood on principle until his legs gave out. they were already in millions spent in attorney fees. Not a shred of justice can be found in how Aaron’s story ended.

  • I came across this early in my career in networking. I ended up having to support another technicians customer(we primarily managed our own workloads) and he did not use the tools(vault) we had to manage the network equipment credentials, so I always had to call him and ask him what the password is and why he doesn’t update it in the vault(it frequently changed) … After bothering him enough about it he said it was job security.

    This was a 45k entry level job that he was years into. Why someone would want job security at the bottom part of the totem pole is beyond me, but that is where I mostly came across tribalistic tendencies(I worked in a lot of small/medium sized companies before getting a big break)

    If I look up those people on LinkedIn, they’re exactly where they were or in another lateral position. They don’t tend to make it very far.

  • One of the more interesting things about how these games are advertised (I don’t play mobile games but I suspect a lot of people that do are kids) are that it always shows someone playing the game poorly. It’s supposed to make you go “huh. Well that looks easy. Wait wth is he doing? No! He could have gotten the powerup. Oh! Looks like he might get this one! What?! How do you mess that up?! I bet I could do that.”

    One thing that I’ve realized about this generation of kids and people who didn’t grow up on tech but were forcibly introduced to it(millennials, gen x, boomers) is that they don’t want the game to be challenging or to reward skill. They just need the game to be flashy and to pass the time. That’s why these games are always made to look so easy and like the guy playing is a moron. A lot of people are attracted to games in a different way than “gamers” … They are not attracted to the challenge or the mastery, they’ve attracted to the visuals and lack of difficulty.

    I believe these types of games are akin to gambling. The last time I went to Dave and Busters, you wouldnt believe the amount of adults i saw playing games of chance (not skill) for tickets. Exactly like a casino.

  • Honestly, I used to use self deprecating humor a lot, but it does eat away at your own self esteem if your repeat it enough and it can make others feel inadequate as well. One of the qualities I’ve admired the most in others and that I try to emulate is unapologetically taking responsibility for mistakes or shortcomings. “Wow, I should have caught that. That was silly of me, I’ll do better” is a lot better than something like “now I see why I had to ride the short bus” or “I’m such an idiot” … At the end of the day, no one is perfect, and we shouldn’t hold ourselves or others to unachievable standards. We should just always strive to do better.