Feng shui is a complicated mystical framework placed over “arranging my stuff in certain ways makes me feel good.” It’s an art that gets treated like a science. There is some actual value there if it would drop the scientific pretense and mysticism.
Clearly you can’t read and understand that there is a difference between “my favourite color is red” which is prefference, to feng shui, which is basically astrology. I won’t be replying to you further since you either don’t understand what has been written, or you are trolling, in both cases making me not want to interact with you further. Good day.
Astrology can be fine as long as you don’t take it too seriously. It’s not much different than a favorite color or lucky numbers.
Favorite color is a faaaar cry from astrology and “lucky numbers”.
feng shui would disagree.
also my computer should face the east in the spring time in order to get the most of my blessings.
Okay so say feng shui or whatever, not “favorite color”.
Feng shui has colors and elements and numbers and orientations and all of that. Shapes. They do have that too.
It’s a rabbit hole. Believe me.
Feng shui is a complicated mystical framework placed over “arranging my stuff in certain ways makes me feel good.” It’s an art that gets treated like a science. There is some actual value there if it would drop the scientific pretense and mysticism.
Again, okay, whatever. What I was saying “having a favourite color” and “feng shui” is a totally different thing.
Clearly you are ignorant of what you say. It shows.
Clearly you can’t read and understand that there is a difference between “my favourite color is red” which is prefference, to feng shui, which is basically astrology. I won’t be replying to you further since you either don’t understand what has been written, or you are trolling, in both cases making me not want to interact with you further. Good day.
Whatever, stop blabbering.
Clearly you are ignorant of what you say. It shows.