If they finish their food. I don’t like seeing food go to waste.
Working in the food service industry crushes my soul on a daily basis.
I judge people quietly for smoking.
It’s the most disgusting smell. I’d rather stick my nose in a dirty diaper than stand next to someone smoking.
Or from where
Roasting a bone in a crowded theater is shitty, but I don’t care outside. If you are smoking a jay outside, more power to you. However, habitual cigarette smoking is what I find to be worthy of judgement.
I feel that way as well
Common misuse of words. Decimate means reduce by 1/10 not almost completely destroy. Exponential growth. The variable has to be in the exponent if it’s a constant exponent that is polynomial growth. Gaslighting isn’t just lying. It’s making someone belive that they can’t trust their own memories or experiences so they believe you despite evidence to the contrary.
Using “decimate” to mean “completely destroy” is not a misuse of the word. The word’s meaning has simply changed.
Owning giant pickup trucks and SUVs. I’m not that secretive about it, though. I assume everyone driving them is an insecure, overgrown child who wants a big vroom vroom.
Wow beat me to it.
If I know anyone who drives one, I always refer to it jokingly as their 'emotional support vehicle".
I’m not sure about everyone else, but in my case you assume correctly. The only reason I’d want a monster truck is to act like an overgrown child who wants to show off his big vroom vroom. Also, with a mandatory funny honk.
Is a minivan not allowed?
I don’t like them but they’re at least practical.
I’ll go a step further and assume they are…speaking loudly while carrying a small stick.
Interesting. I judge people who body shame people because of what they drive.
What they drive, what they own, and what their gender is.*
It’s always “man have small peepee, man bald, man fat, man have smaller than average features, man short,” with all replies being “haha so original and funny.” But god forbid someone said anything like that about a woman, at that moment everyone remembers body shaming exists and piles on and says things like “don’t objectify women.” Why the double standard? Do men not deserve the right to be comfortable with their bodies as well? Don’t objectify me either.
I judge anyone who misses the letter G out when they say the word “recognise”.
You betta rekkanize
I can’t easily pronounce the K in “asked”. Yes, I say “assed”.
People who make small talk with the cashier or service person when there is a line and people who accelerate in the turn lane.
Being smarmy. I can’t stand people who are ready to manipulate anything out of people as they do it with their smarmy smirks.
People who don’t like cats.
I’ve noticed a correlation between people who don’t like cats and having narcissistic or selfish tendencies. Could be just an impression but that’s how I feel.
Interesting observation. I think most cats demonstrate Machiavellian narcissistic traits.
I don’t like cats, mainly for two reasons:
- I am allergic and they just make me feel bad on a physical level
- Cats, as any animals, require care, and responsible owners add it to the list of their burdens. It’s like constantly having a baby that never grows up - cats can wake you up in the middle of the night, force you to remove feces, etc.
I, however, love people, and am far from being selfish or narcissistic. People around me often find me warm, comforting, and supportive.
I don’t think they mean “people who wouldn’t have cats as pets”, there are tons of valid reasons not to want cats as pets, such as the two you described, and I wouldn’t say that you “don’t like cats” given those two reasons
I love cats. Other peoples’ cats.
I will never own my own cat because I don’t want to accept the burden of responsibility that responsible pet ownership demands.
Huh, I kinda feel the opposite. You need (or at least SHOULD) be very attentive to a pup. Dogs, in general, tend to crave/require more attention. Cats are more hands-off, so they often attract the kinda people who want a pet for the sake of having a pet - which tend to be narcissistic types.*
*not true of all cat people
In my experience dog owners often like to control another being, cat owners like to just let others be.
What’s your experience with people who have both?
From my experience, they’re usually very nice people that really enjoy all animals
Interesting. My reasoning is that narcissistic people crave attention, which cats may not give so overtly as a dog. Basically for a dog, a person is a god and some people love that kind of relationship.
I’ve definitely seen multiple people talk about how they view it as a red flag when people like dogs but not cats because cats are mean. Their reasoning is that dogs will love you no matter what but cats have to want to get attention. The argument is that people don’t understand boundaries/consent.
I see their logic, but I think it’s looking a bit too far into it. Yellow flag maybe, not red.
Someone who doesn’t like cats is a red flag for me for one simple reason:
I have cats! They’re not going anywhere, either, so this probably isn’t going to work out lol.
This is my narcissistic neighbor’s behavior. He has 2 dogs, but he treats them like objects and not as part of the family. He absolutely hates cats for no real reason.
It’s a massive red flag. I had to help his ex wife escape from him because he’s a DARVO type abuser.
We really don’t deserve dogs, they’re too precious. Meanwhile, if you’re a jerk to a cat they’ll hate you a lot faster than a dog does lol.
So people who don’t like cats are cats
People using fahrenheit without adding a celsius conversion
Fahrenheit is bullshit, just learn celsius
It’s actually harder than just using celsius, things like my oven and fridge are in farenheit without a way to change it, along with most cookbooks and recipes here Tried to change my weather app to celsius and just got frustrated because i know what 60°f feels like but didn’t have an intuitive sense of what celsius felt like so i just got confused Ultimately it’s a lot if effort to just put a communication barrier between you and your fellow american
Must be from one of those fancy pants Euro countries or somethin
Nosing (instead of reversing) into a parking spot. You always pick the conditions of your arrival, but not always your departure. Also, reversing into traffic is ridiculous and illegal in some places. Parking nose-first is dangerous and lazy.
Found the German.
Parallel parking, or angled parking?
We get inclement weather about once every 6 years. I’ll choose to live dangerously.
With a 180 degree camera it’s not an issue to go backwards. I usually nose in so I have easy access to the trunk.
I like to live dangerously.
All the people typing “loose” when they mean “lose”. Shit’s been happening a lot for the past year or two and I don’t know why.
It’s been happening a lot longer than that, that’s a classic misspelling.
Thank you for writing ‘a lot’ and not ‘alot’.
Shit’s been happening a lot
Butthole must be loose.
I know of a multi-million dollar company that was about to launch a new marketing campaign. We are talking ads, dozens of trucks getting rewrapped, marketing materials, catalogs featuring the tagline; the whole nine. It would have been tens of thousands of dollars spent.
They used “loose” instead of “lose” in the tag. The error was caught by the CEO’s secretary without a degree.
It had gotten past upper management and the marketing department without being noticed.
It’s just the natural evolution of language. Rules become loser over time
Literally this
Some rules weaken, and others are created or subtly change - that’s why parents can never get their kids’ slang quite right. It’s not that the parents can’t simply weaken their grammar, it’s that the kids do some things differently with very strict rules.
Because phonetically, it’s “loos” vs “looz”. And people don’t care enough to know or apply the difference.
Here are my top 5:
- Being on their phone too much.
- Being willfully ignorant.
- Believing in religion.
- Using proprietary social media apps (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook).
- Using non-free BIOS firmware / non-free software.
being judgey assholes
People with shattered phone screens.
Pretty much anyone with a broken phone screen are just chaos moving around.
I understand where you’re coming from, but it might just have been a simple accident and they’re too poor or don’t have the time to get it fixed. I went around with a shattered screen for about six months.
That’s the exception for me. If the screen is cracked, but it bothers them I sympathize, but if it’s cracked and they throw their phone around and get mad as if it was the phone’s fault then I super, super judge them.
I have the same theory. Anytime I see someone having a phone call on speakerphone it’s almost 100% because their screen is shattered and they just walk around screaming into their phone.
Makes sense that these are also the type of people walking around just raw dogging life with out a cell phone case.