-supposedly has autism
-autistic people sometimes make weird faux paus
To me, it looks like it’s clearly a Hitler salute and the logical conclusion is he’s a white supremacist. But I am just wondering if everyone else sees this that way with no room for it being a result of autism and definitely that.
Is there any possibility it could have been accidental? Or was he doing a Hitler salute, then “oh it was an accident” (wink) sort of thing? Did he apologize?
Lots of people on lemmy are really smart so I’m interested to read what people think.
The whole thing makes me really uncomfortable with buying from companies that have x profiles. I just don’t see how that coukd be accidental and it seems like no one cares.
There was this period before WWII when stuff started happening to reduce the rights of minorities, but they weren’t being killed blatantly. Is this where we are? I feel more scared to be in America now.
Yes, it’s possible, but he’s a spoiled right wing idiot edge lord, so I’d take it at face value.
He definitely did a Hitler salute, but I don’t think he meant it as one. Also, I think old-school nazis would’ve berated him for it being a shitty one.
Looking at the clip, and hearing what he said, I think he meant it as “my heart goes out to you” - his exact words when he said it. But it’s quite telling that he instinctively used that gesture and saw nothing wrong about it.
He’s still a white supremacist, though, we all knew that before this happened.
It is both a literal neonazi salute as shown in this example with the hand over heart and even without that the thrusting motion to outstretched arm on its own is blatantly obvious. Stop giving this shithead a single crumb of doubt.
i think this was rhe most persuasive reply because of the visual juxtaposition
musk is a nazi. now what?
We already knew. The important thing OP pondered on was the reflexive nature of it. I agree with OP, not certain that was planned, the fascist just came out.
Constantly bring it up, never let it go.
Y’all don’t even read these posts, do you?
it’s quite telling that he instinctively used that gesture
OP nailed it. I doubt his dumbass went up there intending to throw that, but the gesture is clearly part of his “vocabulary”. It’s both hilarious and sad that people think Musk and Trump work with deep calculation.
But of course, you feel OP is defending Musk, or at least giving him the benefit of the doubt. So we get treated to pic #516 comparing salutes. We know.
Thank you, you said it better than I ever could.
“You know what, I’m gonna throw a heil Hitler on stage, teehee”
…yeah, probably not.
Along the lines of my thoughts.
it’s quite telling that he instinctively used that gesture
There it is. People that don’t go walking around saying N*****, don’t accidentally slip it into conversation. Same here. Even if unintentional in the moment, well, he obviously walks around saying N*****. That gesture was clearly part of his “vocabulary”. You get it.
And if it was merely an exuberant, “Fuck yeah!” thing, damn near every American ever would have done it with a fist. Been walking America for 54 years, never seen that salute unless it was a jokey “Heil Hitler” move.
And… of course lemmy downvotes you for trying to discuss this. Comrade, you must immediately and perfectly toe the party line. That first sentence made these morons think you’re a sympathizer. We don’t read past the first phrase around here. If you had put your last sentence first, you would have been golden. (Gods, lemmy users are child’s play to manipulate.)
i am not always well liked on lemmy
i still like lemmy! :-)
You (presumably) use linux, you get a pass from me.
Have you actually watched it? It was clearly a fascists/nazi salute. People who say otherwise simply don’t want to admit it.
This. It’s the new litmus test for Nazi apologists.
I thought it looked kind of like he was flailing like an idiot. If it was a nazi salute (which is definitely possible) then it was a poorly done one (which tracks for him).
I did watch it and it scared me. No companies are cancelling twitter accounts, no one is crushing their Teslas into a cube, everyone just seems apathetic (except AOC)
Musk is playing agent provocateur. He knows exactly who is offending. He knows how he will deny it and planted seeds of doubt to make his case. It’s a show of might. Elon gets off on the fact that he knows what his extreme wealth allows him to get away with but is offended at the same time that anyone might question his absolute power. In classic fascist fashion he will now insist himself, an extremely powerful and wealthy person immune to any law of any nation, is the victim here.
This type of behavior erodes at any good will people might like to inject into the political environment and keeps every one fighting each other rather then the obvious source of all the vitriol.
35 yo autistic person here:
I tend to ramble on and on when I am somewhat nervous, or excited and genuinely interested in someone or something, i’ll include too much detail that does eventually wrap around to connect to all the points I am trying to make, or story I’m trying to tell, but it can be laborious for a listener to make sense of.
I will often interperet things people say so literally that I miss or forget the context that the conversation is taking place in which gives a word or phrase a specific meaning, and have to ask for clarification.
Saying goodbye and ending a conversation is always either too long and drawn out, or abrupt and curt to the point of often being interpreted as rude, even though I don’t mean to be rude.
I do not have a tendency to do a goddamned nazi salute unintentionally.
Thats uh, a pretty unambiguous, obvious social ettiquette rule, pretty binary, pretty cut and dry.
Also, if you did, you would likely be mortified and doing everything in your power to make sure nobody mistakenly takes you for a Nazi.
Because, you know, you’re not a goddamn fucking Nazi.
Yes because the name for it is the fascist salute not the Hitler salute
I’m autistic too. I’ve fucked up socially A LOT but never in a “whoops, I just Nazi saluted” kind of way.
Based on the fact that he did it repeatedly, I think it was at least an intentional gesture. I will give the benefit of the doubt and say that it may have been intended some other way as opposed to a Nazi salute, but my personal opinion is that it resembled a Nazi salute on purpose. Theoretically autism could have been a factor, but I doubt it in this case. We aren’t quite at the point you mention at the end there yet, but we are rapidly approaching such a point and you should be wary and do your own research about what’s going on so you can be well-informed.
I have very little doubt after seeing his hat months ago
What is that barely readable font?
I saw comparisons to a hitler book.
Looks like Harry Potter.
is this real?
The main issue is that his heil combined with his previously expressed opinions and actions removes all doubt
Yea sure - but it doesn’t matter. It could have mattered but his reaction to the reaction means it doesn’t.
If you accidentally do a nazi salute and then someone says “Hey bro, you really shouldn’t do a nazi salute” and another dude says “Hey bro, white power! I’m glad you’re on our side” and your immediate reaction isn’t “Oh fuck guys, I didn’t know that was a nazi salute, I fucking hate nazis” then, well, you did a nazi salute.
Elon did a thing.
People said “That’s a nazi thing”.
Elon didn’t immediately say “No, I didn’t do the nazi thing.”
∴ Elon is a nazi.
It’s also not like the fucker doesn’t have the ability to issue a statement correcting the public perception. He literally owns fucking X and the media salivate over his press releases.
Elon did a thing.
People said “That’s a nazi thing”.
Elon immediately said “No, I didn’t do the nazi thing.”
People said “we don’t believe you”.
∴ Elon is a nazi.
First time in years I’ve seen the ‘therefor’ three dots!
∴ - copying to notes as I don’t think it’s available on Android keyboards.
I always just search the web for “<symbol> unicode” when I need something obscure. Then again I’m old ;_;
I’m British and I tried to plug something into it.
Don’t you know? Plugs go in the rear.
I didn’t even know it existed in the first place. I’m going to show my grandfather and see if he’s seen it before. I expect he has since he’s a retired english/history teacher
edit: he has seen it before, but he couldn’t remember what it meant.
It’s crazy to me that people are denying it.
Elon didn’t immediately say “No, I didn’t do the nazi thing.”
He did though: My hypothesis: he practiced this and realized what reaction it would cause, and did it simply to hype himself up. The whole inauguration event in people minds is now associated with Elon doing “sieg heil” while being high on ketamine.
I’m not seeing him saying it. He did a “what about” and then blamed the media.
Also those are static images he’s showing. A video of those images would show very different hand motions.
I also couldn’t find him directly denying it, and you’re correct those examples in referenced image are no good - in the comments there are video versions of those showing none of them looking anywhere similar to what he did. There are other videos of Macron and Camala doing some gesture, but they are fetching their hand far up in front of them in more of a waving to audience way, so it doesn’t look like nazi salute.
If you accidentally do a nazi salute and then someone says “Hey bro, you really shouldn’t do a nazi salute”
I like to think about how a person like that would react if they accidentally “acted gay”. Can you imagine how much they would trip over themselves trying to make sure people knew it was a mistake?
If you don’t have that level of response to being called a Nazi, you’re probably a Nazi.
Great comparison.
Point of order. He didn’t do a Nazi salute. He did two, within five seconds, on national television, at the inauguration.
You would think the crowd of people would have stepped in at that point but clearly they’re all in as well.
And if they work that hard to make sure everyone knows they’re not gay, then bonus! You also found out that they’re homophobic.
No, I don’t agree with this at all.
I grew up in the 90s when being gay was “bad” (societys words, not mine). I live in Cleveland, but a suburb of Cleveland is Lakewood. San Fransisco is Americas gayest city. Lakewood is (was?) Americas second gayest city (at least in the 90s it was).
I lived right on the Lakewood border. About 7 streets away. And just to give an idea of how anti-gay the 90s were, I can remember a guy getting handcuffed to a chain link fence, and beaten by 4 men with bats. Beaten to literal death. With his dead body lay prone and still handcuffed from 2:30am until 7am on a busy street until a mother called the police as she walked her 5 year old to school (this was 2 blocks from an elementary school)
That’s the environment I grew up in. People CONSTANTLY accused me of being gay. I’m not. I never have been gay. But I grew up being taught you better make sure you deny it. If nothing else, so people don’t beat you.
Now I realize, we no longer live in that social environment. But I also assume Jews in Europe in the 1960s still would downplay the fact they were Jewish. Sure, the nazis weren’t a thing anymore, but if you’d seen the holocaust you wouldn’t take chances either.
Plus, being a teenager in the 90s, I thought “If the girls think I’m gay, I’ll never get laid…” which was true. They still thought I was gay, and I didn’t get to date until after high school.
And thats how I stay today. I have enough of an uphill battle to dating. I don’t need women disqualifying me for something that isn’t true.
Now if YOU wanna be gay, go ahead. I always think if more guys are gay, that makes things easier for me.
This is the weirdest homophobic and also misogynistic take I’ve read. You took “I’ve got nothing against the gays, but…” to a new deranged level.
He’s like only part way there. I grew up in the 90s too when being gay was “bad”. In my younger years I would have absolutely said I’m not homophobic but would have made damn sure no one thought I was. Spoiler alert. It was homophobic even if I didn’t realize it. However in my older years I recognize that for what it was.
Based on your persuasive arguments, ive decided to be gay.
Good choice. We have the best sex.
That’s so gay
I’m not saying that just because someone says you’re gay, you can’t correct them without being homophobic. I’m saying that the people that people that go out of their way to make sure everyone knows they’re not gay, who get offended at the idea of being mistaken for gay are acting homophobic.
I grew up in approximately the same era as you in a very conservative area, and yeah, there was a lot of homophobic behavior and slurs. But if someone asked if I was gay in this day and age, I think anything more than a quick correction is over-reacting.
But hey, that’s just my opinion; you’re welcome to yours. Have a good day friend!
Absolutely zero. The man is an out and proud Nazi who has openly said and supported anti-semitic shit on his Twitter. If any accident occurred, it is that he accidentally did it out loud and on camera, instead of the privacy of his own home.
You are also very correct, we are going through the opening beats that Nazi Germany went through. Klan members are sending out flyers in Kentucky, ICE agents are threatening to raid Democrat cities, and “deportation facilities” are being planned for construction in Texas. We have passed all the warning signs; it is happening here now.
is fleeing america the smart thing to do? or do you not expect xyclon-B levels of hate to ensue? would organization even do anything? i really believe most liberals want to regulate and protest and ignore problems and that it won’t stop or slow this.
i don’t want to be deer in the headlights shocked for too long
I can imagine him practicing in the mirror for hours to get exactly the right arm motion for a Nazi salute that is imperfect by just enough that some people will contemplate the possibility that it wasn’t one.
Exactly this. The gesture had the right amount of ambiguity so everyone would think of it what better suits their ideas
Zero ambiguity. Zero.
If it was an honest mistake he would’ve apologized.
It’s not an autism thing. The people saying that are deflecting. Autistic people don’t throw practiced Hitler salutes as a stim.