is it well known and do people talk about it … like in the mainstream media ?
Alright, I’m prepared to take some heat for this because in the context of the best organized protests I think my assumptions are incorrect. However most protests don’t rise to that level. Thing is if your protest looks for the most part like a party with some political alignments and isn’t related to some direct action in your community or actual expectations/demands of the relevant political body…
Not to say that “performative” protests are useless. But there seems to be a distressing number of my fellow gen Z that think these sorts of protests alone will work. Like all they need to do is yell loudly into a few news network cameras on capital hill then go home.
I’ll probably see what’s going on in my home state and hope to see some targeted action and real dialogue. I truly hope my assumptions are proven wrong.
“We the people” voted for it! There was no big reveal after the election; it was well known that Project 2025 was the goal. Anyone who says otherwise had their head in the sand for the last 6 months.
A lot of Trump voters are horribly uninformed. They didn’t know - and still don’t know - what Project 2025 is. They thought it was fearmongering because they only heard about it from Dems. They have no idea what’s happening right now, nor do they care. All they know is their team won, and they’re otherwise tuned out. Maybe they’ll wake up when they feel the effects, but they’ll probably just blame Democrats because Fox News tells them to.
Those were willfully ignorant and they will remain so until they hurt bad or die, no amoubt of information will change that
Nope only 23% of Americans voted for the nazis. 77% of Americans either didn’t vote, voted for Harris (or others), or were ineligible to vote.
didn’t vote
If you accept facists without objection, you aren’t much better than the racists.
A lot of people didn’t even know Biden wasn’t running anymore, tells you how informed Americans were about their vote
Most maga voters had their head in the sand, they have always had their head in the sand, it’s the only way for them to live. Ignore reality, pretend that your make belief world where racism is fine, jeebus can take the wheel, miracles exist, and trump is the new jeebus
The majority of “We the people” voted for something else. Don’t let Trump have the narrative that this is what the American people asked for.
Reject 2025
If people don’t go armed, I’m worried what could happen.
People will be in danger either way with the violence prone goons in power. If you are armed, there will be justification to shoot you. Protest at more public and friendly places. That way you will likely have allies nearby. Also, folks need to be situationally aware and plan an escape path if things turn too dangerous.
Trump’s people would probably be more likely to shoot you if unarmed, than if the crown was armed.
It’s been shown multiple times (and through history) the the opposing force is less likely to shoot the protestors if the protesters can shoot back, because now there’s also an actual danger to them.
Good point! We need to increase safety. Anyone know of any non-profit organizations that lend out AK-47s and .762 rounds to angry protestors within 2 days?? /s
If you go to a protest with a firearm, you’re a fucking idiot. The police will have every reason to believe you’re a danger to public safety, whether you believe you are or not. Also, you better be trained to use that thing because if not, you’re going to be an additional problem if shit hits the fan. And if you get arrested for anything at all, your charges will become exponentially worse because you allegedly committed a crime while carrying a firearm. DON’T TAKE A FIREARM TO A PROTEST.
Elizabeth Eckford had the protection of the federal government (this is it you ignore that she got PTSD so bag from the experience she attempted suicide btw).
Today’s federal government on the other hand is on the side of the people yelling:
You ever hear about the Black Panthers? You know why they were so successful California and the FBI had to intervene to try to disband them? Here’s a hint:
And you know why they were armed? Here’s another hint to how non-armed black protestors were usually dealt with in history (sfw example):
An unarmed protest is a defenseless one with no deterrent for the aggressors. And if you’re protesting against literal Nazis, it’s not going to be peaceful. Even during Trump’s first term people were kidnapped, and he’s way more unhinged this time.
You make very good points that I do not disagree with at all, so I am correcting myself.
This is not the same as Eckford because Eckford had the support of the federal government. The National Guard had the firearms for her. This week, the protests are against the people that protected Eckford. FYI, the government has the authority, means, and experience on violence. A lone gunman isn’t going to accomplish anything positive unless there is some highly unlikely scenario in which they use it to protect a victim, they are trained and experienced. But, as pointed out, the Black Panthers were armed and did achieve progress in the 60s and 70s. Also, I have high regard for the original Black Panthers and even have a t-shirt with Huey on it.
Therefore, if you are part of a highly organized political group that has a strong identity based on centuries of brutal oppression, an established unified message, undergone weapons training, experience in lethal altercation with police, a lawyers present, a protocol for functioning as a unit at protests, and haven’t been infiltrated by the FBI yet, then listen to your leaders on whether to take a firearm or not (if that is legal because I don’t want to get in trouble for saying something that is clearly meant to highlight ill-consideration; don’t break the law).
However, if you are a lone protestor or going with a few friends because you care or to check it out, my recommendation is that you DO NOT TAKE A FUCKING FIREARM. I would like to add a few more arguments for my recommendation. If the cops don’t like your face and say that you were threatening them and you have a firearm, good luck convincing the jury that you had no ill intentions. You might win the trial with a good expensive lawyer that you will never be reimbursed for, but if you lose, you are royally fucked. Moreover, let’s even put the cops aside and only focus on you. If you have never been in an altercation where people are firing at each other, that is not the time to learn or figure things out. You will be under the most extreme stress possible for a person. You will not be able to analyze properly or make decisions in an extremely chaotic situation. You will be overwhelmed with your body’s naturally designed desire to survive. You will be reacting, not responding rationally. Making a lethal mistake will ruin your life at the very least, and ruin or end the life of others. But, let’s set the situation to be even more in your favor. Even if you make the best decision possible and fire at someone that is miraculously identified by a glowing arrow floating above their head like a video game that reads “KILL THIS GUY”, you may still miss and kill an innocent person. I’m not going to elaborate on the consequences of that.
This is merely my recommendation based on my limited knowledge and biases. To me, it seems like there are too many ways for this to go very bad, and not enough ways for it to go well. I guess maybe you could be a hero somehow? I may be wrong. I may not know a lot of information that would be contradictory to my stance. I definitely don’t know any of you individually. If you know something I don’t, that’s valid. Maybe ask people that have been arrested for taking a firearm to a protest. That would be useful information. It’s ultimately your decision, so make it. Just think it really fucking well.
Holy hell, I hope this manuscript saves even just one person from serving prison time.
Good job! I tried and I sucked at this.
Thanks very much, i’m quite happy with the success of the post.
Just saw now your comment from 24 hours ago :
My post here started after i saw a comment quite similar to yours !
This is great. I was reactive because I couldn’t see anything anywhere about it. Anyway, let’s hope this happens.
This was poorly advertised. I’ve never heard of it, and I’m on Lemmy every day.
just saying, this seems really sketchy folks.
some tips to help you out
- don’t take your phones to the protest
- if you take a burner, don’t take it home. buy it, and trash it at the protest.
- don’t take anything that could identify you as you
- superglue and baking soda on your fingerprints. don’t go crazy, just enough to make printing you impossible/difficult
- write any important phone numbers on your arm or ankle in permanent marker if you can’t remember them
- stuff a couple hundred dollars for bail in your shoe
- don’t give ANYONE your real name. don’t care how hot they are or how impassioned they are, just fucking don’t
- designate one trusted individual to come get you from jail. they are not to bring their phone, they should park at least 1/4 mile away and walk to get you(long enough to realize you’re being tailed by police).
pay attention to your surroundings, specifically the movement of officers/agents. if they’re running you should be too. if there’s a large group marching or a wall marching, leave immediately and regroup.
ICE will be there. they will be picking people up. many of them not illegal. if you’re not white, wear makeup if you can get away with it. paint your face with state colors if need be. not a mask, so it shouldn’t be covered by “no-mask” states.
know your rights. bring the proof of your rights. force them to acknowledge your rights.
stream everything.
if you are picked up you will;
- go on a list
- be unlawfully monitored
- become a link in a larger web to ensnare organizers
you will go dark for at least a month. no social media posts about the protests, no discussions about the protests, nothing. after that, it should be difficult to pair your online activity with your real world activities.
if you can’t make it to the protests, record the streams, share them online, pressure the public to demand answers for the crimes committed by the officers/agents.
one last thing.
there will undoubtedly be people there to provoke the protests. do not let them. once one incident of violence is determined all bets off and the police will become physically involved.
trust no one, question everything, power to the people. 🫵
Why delete this treasure trove of good information??
because when their little AI SS datahound is operational I’m not getting a knock on my door.
someone has to stick around for the railroad.
Isn’t that what throwaway accounts are for?
it’s so easy to track a physical person across multiple accounts.
from the times you post, to your opinions, to the way you write, even misspellings.
all of it makes a profile of who you are.
they don’t even need AI to determine that. AI just makes it faster.
why else would they want $500 billion for meta to build their mega(maga) AI farm?
The NSA scoops everything, this is known. Deleting it in 24h won’t change anything, the data is already collected.
I’m not afraid of the NSA.
NSA is like John Wick to the current administration. they have far too much dirt on everyone involved right now that they’re more neutral than anything.
that’s why they haven’t been attacked yet.
I absolutely fucking hate that I can’t say you’re being a bit overkill.
What the actual fuck
Why is your entire comment history deleted?
because I don’t want no brownies knocking on my door.
I think the care for being not identified and covering one’s tracks provided in the above comment is a pretty obvious indicator for why their comment history is scrubbed lol.
Great advice except I’m confused about how to “stream everything” if we’re supposed to leave our phones at home.
Yeah, this whole thing is very poorly done and really screams like annexcuse toncreate andalse flag moment. I saw a Reddit comment that this exact thing was listed in the Project2025 playbook as part of an excuse to create a scene and enact martial law.
And based on the deal Trump is doing with Bukele, there’s a chance you could end up getting thrown into an El Salvadorian prison and locked up with MS-13 gangbangers.
One thing I’d recommend that I’m unsure how to easily obtain, is getting the phone number of a civil rights lawyer ready. It does kind of contradict the point about not bringing phones, I suppose. At the very least, if one is available in the vicinity after attempted arrests it can be useful.
I also feel somewhat guilty, as I will be attending in a very blue state that’s unlikely to have so much resistance, so I may skirt some of those rules myself.
I’d say that violent incursion into blue states with the help of federal forces and local brownshirt provocateurs is almost a goal of Project 2025 and MAGA more broadly so I wouldn’t count on it not happening wherever you are. We’ve seen plenty of that kind of thing on the West Coast particularly. Local police unfortunately have a large membership overlap with said brownshirts.
The instance anything is posted on here it’s already been scraped. Know this. Act accordingly.
just saying, this seems really sketchy folks.
some tips to help you out
don’t take your phones to the protest if you take a burner, don’t take it home. buy it, and trash it at the protest. don’t take anything that could identify you as you superglue and baking soda on your fingerprints. don’t go crazy, just enough to make printing you impossible/difficult write any important phone numbers on your arm or ankle in permanent marker if you can’t remember them stuff a couple hundred dollars for bail in your shoe don’t give ANYONE your real name. don’t care how hot they are or how impassioned they are, just fucking don’t designate one trusted individual to come get you from jail. they are not to bring their phone, they should park at least 1/4 mile away and walk to get you(long enough to realize you’re being tailed by police).
pay attention to your surroundings, specifically the movement of officers/agents. if they’re running you should be too. if there’s a large group marching or a wall marching, leave immediately and regroup.
ICE will be there. they will be picking people up. many of them not illegal. if you’re not white, wear makeup if you can get away with it. paint your face with state colors if need be. not a mask, so it shouldn’t be covered by “no-mask” states.
know your rights. bring the proof of your rights. force them to acknowledge your rights.
stream everything.
if you are picked up you will;
go on a list be unlawfully monitored become a link in a larger web to ensnare organizers
you will go dark for at least a month. no social media posts about the protests, no discussions about the protests, nothing. after that, it should be difficult to pair your online activity with your real world activities.
if you can’t make it to the protests, record the streams, share them online, pressure the public to demand answers for the crimes committed by the officers/agents.
one last thing.
there will undoubtedly be people there to provoke the protests. do not let them. once one incident of violence is determined all bets off and the police will become physically involved.
trust no one, question everything, power to the people. 🫵
This message from a colleague will live here until the death of Lemmy
5th Nov 2024 - was the chance to prevent this. Trump’s team made it clear on the direction they were heading and no-one heeded the warnings. 35% didn’t vote and the majority of those that did voted for him, which either means they agree with the direction or were deluded into thinking it wasn’t going to happen.
I’m all for protest but I don’t think you have a chance of changing anything, he owns the legislature and the voting public allowed it to happend.
I’m not American or a resident of US but that’s just my opinion as an outsider.
ah yes, voting, famously known for being the only way humans have ever changed their material circumstances.
now that voting has failed us, the only thing left to do is nothing!
Sadly voting didn’t fail you. US is in the same predicament UK was in after Brexit. Complacency at the expected outcome, a belief that some people couldn’t be so stupid as to vote for Trump/Brexit and yet, they did in the majority.
Regardless of how fucked up the election process is, inany countries I’m not singling out the US, that is the reason that you feel failed, look at your countrymen that swallowed the snake oil and ask the question why?
I made huge stink about those that failed to vote. Meanwhile people blame third parties. Bro they voted at least.
Why “50501”? What’s that mean?
50 protests
50 states
1 day
Thus 50501
This will be too short notice and too expensive for many to attend. has the right idea
Added your link to the header of my post, thanks for this information
Could be used to organise for a general strike though.
I was pretty sure I knew what a general strike was… wouldn’t any strike be more expensive than 2-4 hours of protest, and wouldn’t a general strike involve much more planning than a normal strike due to the scale and breadth?
Also I was worried that was too soon. The UAW general strike is planned for 2028 to get time to plan, because a general strike isn’t something you can just do successfully at the drop of a hat.
Yes it would. That’s why they’re having people fill out strike cards and waiting until they actually have that organization before they set a date
I neglected to post it on Lemmy when I found out about it earlier. Key word being “earlier” - Lemmy is just one branch of where it’s been shared, so don’t assume the momentum started here.
I think this has value even if it doesn’t cause immediate change. People need to just get out and express how they’re feeling and network with like minded people instead of sitting online doomscrolling. We’ve got to organize.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to network with people where I live and so far it’s been very difficult, partly because I’m very busy constantly and don’t have a car or a lot of spending money, and also because I’m depressed and my social skills are absolute garbage. At this point almost all of my social life for the past few years has been Lemmy, Reddit, and Instagram.
As an outsider I can’t see them caring about this at all… but boy I support you guys. It’s time you do something
Isnt the second amendment about making them care when a tyrannical government appears?
I have no idea what that means but go for it
It’s copium. People fantasize that their handguns or hunting rifles will be able to keep the military at bay.
Lol guns vs tanks and nukes
Yeah, but unfortunately the 2A folks are itching for trump to declare open season on LGBTQ+ and minorities.
Protest, cool, but accomplish what exactly? None of this means a damn thing if nobody has any clue what’s going on
People will have to talk and organize … some leaders will emerge … the poster says :
We the People Reject Project 2025 !
Have you participated in a protest before? There is a significant amount of planning involved.
i am not organizing this. Just asking questions. This should be clear from the post itself. … or is it ?
Duh you just show up and a leader will emerge
i’m not involved in this, just asking questions and trying to help with some answers. So, if what i say is not good enough, just find answers by yourself.
Does nobody have a job here?
Some things are more important.
Call in sick. You’re not gonna get fired for missing one day.
If you are gonna get fired for that, this is literally the protest to stop that shit.
You’re not gonna get fired for missing one day.
Tell me you’ve never worked for minimum wage by telling me you’ve never worked for minimum wage.
If you are gonna get fired for that, this is literally the protest to stop that shit.
Tell me you’ve never lived in poverty with children depending on you by telling me you’ve never lived in poverty with children depending on you.
Not everyone is as fearful as you. And some would prefer to show a good example to their kids and stand up for their values.
Of course not. Not anyone that doesn’t have any dependents.
You all get to do almost nothing all day (except post weak takes on Lemmy) and act like you are carrying the economy on your back.
Fuck off. The adults have people who depend on them.
Interesting… not being willing to starve your children means you’re fearful to you. I hope you don’t have any children yourself.
Yes, the scourge of starving american children everytime someone gets laid off, I know it well.
I’m glad you’re so sarcastically sure of yourself.
In 2022, 17% of all households with children — representing 13.4 million kids — were grappling with food insecurity, according to the USDA. In some of these households, only adults were food insecure. In other households, children were directly impacted.
The USDA estimates that 44.2 million people lived in food insecure households nationwide in 2022. Since these estimates do not include homeless families, the actual number of children impacted by food insecurity is even larger.
Also, fired is not the same as laid off. And if you get fired in an at-will state, you may not be entitled to unemployment.
The fact that you and others apparently have no compassion for the poor makes me wonder exactly what you’re protesting for.
I have plenty of compassion for others, just not you. Thats why I was sarcastic when I answered you.
Wow sounds like these protests are for people like you specifically
They’re not for me at all because I am not in that situation, but that doesn’t change the fact that people will get fired for missing a day of work and telling them that this protest for them is not going to feed their kids or put a roof over their heads.
But people like you would rather give poor people shit for trying to survive and not protesting on a specific day you want them to protest on than having compassion for poor people. Which makes me wonder what you are protesting.
Idk in europe you wouldn’t get fired for that and if you did youd get a benefits package and could just get child support and welfare not yo mention free health-care.
I don’t know when the last time you looked at a map was, but the United States of America is in no way in Europe.
So how is that in any way relevant to this situation?
Just start an agressive savings fund cause you are worthless to your employer and once tariffs hit you are likely to get fired anyway. Good luck and use your free time to contact elected representatives
This is very much a fair take - and ties back to the realities of the French Revolution. It wasn’t actually the poorest people on revolt, but a slightly more wealthy class that had just enough comfort in their lives to make decisions like organizing for change.
I know it’s not possible for every person to join. I can only ask for those capable to think about it. For what it’s worth, the original post has suggested other ways of contributing aside from attending.
No minimum wage job I’ve had would fire me for missing one day. Firing me then hiring a new person takes time and money.
Probably different in the US where workers have little to no rights however
Since this is literally about the U.S., maybe that should be considered?
Not everyone lives in their state capitol. It’s a 10+ hour drive for some people. Take three days off? This protest is going to be low turnout.
This is a white people thing. Students and min wage workers in large cities can pull this off. America is full of people with hope and a 9-5 to.oay there ridiculous rent.
Yes, all those impoverished people in cities working minimum wage jobs that rely on every cent of their paycheck just to keep a roof over their kids’ heads and food in their bellies who will get fired for missing even a day of work for any reason can totally pull this off. Totally.
As a student there is no way I am skipping a day’s worth of classes and risking my grade for a single protest that’s probably not going to do shit similar to the other protests I’ve been to that didn’t do shit
Some more media mentions, mostly local and brief:
- Fox 9 St Paul (MN):
- KVRR North Dakota:
- Shreveport Times (Louisiana):
- Savannah Morning News (GA):
- Dallas Observer (TX):
- Clarion Ledger (MS):
- Westword (Denver, CO):
- Newsweek, a second article:
- the Savannah GA story above seems to have been picked up by USA Today:
- CT News Junkie (Connecticut newsletter?):
- Herald Dispatch (WV) - very brief:
- Longmont Leader (CO) mostly sourced from the Westword story:
- Phoenix New Times (AZ):
- KSNT Topkea (Kansas):
- Herald Net (WA) - brief mention:
- Kennebec Journal (Maine):
- Snopes article with some info on who started it
This is a lot of valuable information and since my post is now old (quite dead) no one will have access to this in here.
So, it’s better if you create a new post with these informations.
Oh yeah great idea, I just posted it to ! Let’s see if it stays up.
btw this post we’re on was on the front page of “all” - “active” earlier today but it seems to have slipped way off.
What exactly counts as the mainstream media nowadays?
Cable news?
I haven’t had cable TV for probably 20 years now.
Internet news?
Which ones? There seems to be an endless number of them
Either the internet newses run by the (former?) cable newses or the newspapers of record
for me it is NPR (National Public Radio) … or any sources which are good enough to be the main link for posts in ! or such main communities…