Look at moneybags here, who can afford their own shotgun.
Pretty fancy pants backpack as well.
A Mossberg 500 is less than the cost of a midrange smart phone, about $500 new. You can deck it out like with that Streamlight TL Racker flashlight pictured and other accessories too for like another $200-300 and it would still be cheaper than an iphone.
Several models of the Mossberg 500 are going to cost you less than $500 even after the fees and taxes.
They ambushed and looted a lonely millenial
So… a millennial?
The shotgun pays for itself after only 3 or 4 liquor store hold-ups.
Damn, look at you living near the fancy liquor stores.
The ones near me all have that “cashier carries less than $20 cash” which is really fucking impressive considering ive only seen people pay in cash
They lyin
Exactly, and liquor pays for itself after the liquor is -hic- liquor.
Probably one of the cheapest guns, Mossberg 500, roughly $300
this is not what we meant with social mobility
If I save up maybe I can get a roommate and a tent.
Wife and I just talked about putting tiny homes in our backyard for extended family…
As an older millennial, I actually managed to buy a house, but I definitely regret not getting the one I looked at with a second unit above the detached garage. My wife and I totally could’ve rented out one of the units for a while and come out way ahead.
Have you looked into local zoning regulations? A lot of places, they’ve made that sort of thing borderline impossible already.
Call it a mother in law suite and the law gets iffy and whoever you need to convince in government to give you a permit is more likely to.
Well shit. Thanks
Hopefully it’s not true for you!
I have an HOA, I’m cooked
Should start the meme with a self built 1800s style wood cabin, and end it with a piece of cardboard under a bridge.