i’ve had one all day since i woke up. i’m also hungry as hell.
I know people will argue with me, but it really depends on what I drank, and not just how much. Even within the same type of alcohol, different brands or varieties give me very different results. For instance, Tullamore Dew (although it is delicious) gives me very nasty hangovers, far more than other Irish whiskeys.
But of course, there are other factors that are far more important. Obviously drink water, but you also need electrolytes (and no, Gatorade does not do this). Drinking on a full stomach and drinking slowly/steadily will also reduce your hangover the next day. And it probably doesn’t need to be said, but when it stops feeling enjoyable, stop drinking. Whether it’s because the party is winding down or because the smell makes you gag, you don’t always need to have the next drink.
I absolutely can’t argue with what gives you worse hangovers. That’s between you and your body.
Gatorade absolutely does have electrolytes: sodium and potassium. The problem is that alcohol depletes many more than just those. Pedialyte isn’t much better with only the addition of chloride. If a person is a less than moderate drinker, water is likely just fine and any extra electrolytes would get pissed out anyway.
The potassium levels are very low, to the point where it doesn’t make a difference. While there are different varieties, most only have 45mg. For comparison, a banana has 400+, and a cup of apple juice has 250. The human body requires 3400 per day for men, meaning 8oz of Gatorade only provides 1.3% of what you would need in a normal day, even less if you’re deficient.
Sodium is a bit higher, from 160-310mg of the daily recommended 2300. Even if we ignore the fact that most people have more than enough sodium, particularly the type that are drinking enough for a hangover, a cup of chicken broth has 950mg. In fact, some varieties also have more potassium than Gatorade.
IOW, you’d be far better off drinking some chicken broth and eating a banana than drinking Gatorade.
Until I’ve had time to digest a large meal and an unholy amount of water. I also have a multivitamin.
I don’t get hangovers, but I also keep myself very hydrated.
I bet your under 25
I’m almost 40 and I never get hangovers because I have a glass of water between drinks and make sure to drink electrolytes before bed.
Yep. For me, hangovers are pretty much nonexistent as long as I remember to properly hydrate before going to sleep.
Takes 2-3 days for all of it to completely wear off. There’s a fairly high number of people arrested for dui who think being passed out for 8 hrs means they are good to.go after, just hungover.
Pedialite is great for rehydrating
Eat food ya dip.
Preferably something salty. Drink loads of water too.
A pound of bacon and as many eggs as I can afford is my cure.
im eating cheetos, so that’s perfect!
Why salty? Doesn’t that just make you pee more? Or is that the point so the alcohol comes out
When you’re drinking more water you also need a little bit of salt to balance out your electrolytes, since you’re pissing them all out.
i am 😋
imagine being hungover during the super bowl 💔
And drink water
All day. Usually getting worse over the course of the day. Even a relatively mild hangover in the morning would be killing me by early evening.
Nothing helps it either. I’ve always eaten before drinking. Staying on top of hydrating while and after drinking has no noticable effect.
Depends on my previous hydration and if I had some water in between drinks. Never had one that lasted more than a day if feeling fuzzy and out of it.
The older I get, the longer hangovers last. I’ve gotten pretty good at squashing them. The secret is to take a multivitamin plus b-12 and iron before bed, along with plenty of water and electrolytes. If I still feel off in the morning, a fruit smoothie with kale sets me straight.
I don’t drink often, and not enough to get drunk. I just wanted to say you should drink as much water as you can and eat something, even if it’s just a piece of bread.
I don’t get hangovers
Oh to be young again
When I was young and regularly drank to excess, they used to last until mid afternoon.
mine lasted till the evening 😓 im not gonna drink much after this for a while
im not gonna drink much after this for a while
Haha, famous last words
Don’t drink quite so much.
Seriously, hangovers are a sign of excessive drinking. Last memorable one I had was 16 years ago.
Is feeling like you’re about to pass out normal with hangovers? and yeah, for some reason, im addicted to the sensation and wanna see what kind of crazy stuff drunk me will do
I think this may be body dependent. Sometimes I get a nasty hangover headache from just two drinks. Lady weekend I pounded like 5 and a half drinks in an hour or two, I was drunk and queasy until deep into the next morning and no hangover. I think it’s more about what you eat and drink besides the alcohol.
well, I think I can say after hours of being hungover, it went away!
yeah, just got curious on the subject of alc
Be sure to drink plenty of water. :)