Yeah, I’m gonna need some more of these to surprise my science-y spouse on Friday
It’s weirdly common to not credit, so thanks for the source !!
Ah they really had to add “found in North America” so this wouldn’t fully work for non-Americans. Love it otherwise
Yeah. I thought about sending this to my spouse for Valentine’s Day. 💝😻😘 But the Nort America part kinda ruined it.
My favorite horseshoe crab fact is that they have like nine different types of eyes. Even that tail is basically one big eye, covered in photoreceptive cells. We love to call them “primitive” but in fact those fuckers are highly developed pieces of biotechnology, able to survive 400 million years finding food in mud.
Reminds me of this copypasta (there are many forms of this, this particular one I copied from here)
Why should you buy roses for the woman you care about? I can’t really think of a logical reason. First of all, roses only live for a couple weeks at most, and that’s if you leave them in water. They really only exist to sit there and look nice. That’s basically like telling her: “My love for you is transitory and based solely on your appearance”.
But a potato! Potatoes last for fucking ever. In fact, not only will they not rot but eventually they’ll actually start to grow shit, even if you just leave them in the sack. That part alone makes them a good symbol. That’s more like saying: “My love for you substantiates itself and effortlessly grows forever and ever”.
Wait, there’s more! There are so many ways to enjoy a potato. You can make french fries, sweet potato fries, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and if you draw a face on it you’ll have your own custom-made Mr. Potatohead. The best part is, you can even make a battery with it! So really, giving a potato is like saying: “I have many ways in which I show my love for you”.
Now you may be thinking, “BUT POTATOES ARE SO UGLY!”. Well, you’re right, but they’re still awesome and that’s the best part. Because by giving a potato, what you’re really saying is, “Honey, it doesn’t matter at all what you look like, I’ll still love you”.
So the next time you want to go and pick up your woman some flowers, buy a potato instead. > She’ll be thrilled.
I love it!
How the fuck do you make sweet potato chips from a regular potato?
Haha I don’t know. Sugar? I guess the writer thinks they are the same.
((sweet potato) chips) vs (sweet (potato chips))
🖐️ 🌈 magic 🌈 🖐️
Bah, scientists who care about the phosphorus cycle are screwy in the head. Real sciency types are all about the nitrate cycle!
-paraphrased from a microbiologist
chemist: da fuq those ecologists doin’ over there?
what’s more sciency: the cycle that controls the majority of ocean ecosystems and one that even hobbyist aquarium keepers need to learn, or the niche one with potash?