How often do you clean it too?
One of my bluetooth earphones fell on a footpath, as I was trying to put it back into its case.
Now I’m thinking about the germs that may have gotten on it n all. Generally, I use some sanitizer to clean it from time to time.
Looking to see how others would clean their earphones in such a situation too
Feeling worried about germs after dropping it on the ground for a short time is probably not healthy behaviour mate :)
You have a shit ton of unpleasant germs on your hands which touch them all the time and that works out fine yeah?Anyway, a toothpick from time to time, maybe alcohol if the gunk is really set.
- Separate rubber pieces from earbuds
- Plug drain in sink and wash rubber pieces in soapy water, then let dry
- Fold a sheet of tissue paper over and saturate with 70% isopropyl alcohol from a dropper bottle
- Wipe earbuds thoroughly with the saturated tissue and let dry
- Reassemble and repeat once every 1 to 2 weeks
give it a good rinse in acetone
Do not do this, OP
Isn’t it carcinogenic?
Well don’t drink it lol
It’ll also dissolve the plastic . This is terrible advice .
Do you mean earbud style? Generally, never…
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, you know?
But if I do drop them and dirt or something, you can remove the rubber and clean it with soap, water, and qtip. You need to be very mindful of the actual speaker portion. A toothpick can be helpful for removing debris, but I wouldn’t apply any liquids to the face of the speaker. There’s usually a piece of fabric that’s glued on and you don’t want to lose that or get it gunked up.
I clean the earwax off/out of them when I see it or the sound is affected (I wear deep insertion IEMs with tri-flange silicone tips), but otherwise just replace the tips when they wear out a couple times a year.
i dip it in piss. nothing survives in that
I just pop mine in my mouth every now and then.
Humor, I hope.
Okay good, I was afraid you were unaware of the importance of rebalancing the humours in your blood.
How does one balance the humors in their blood, when blood itself is one of the humors?
Leeches? Leeches.
I just clean out the earwax with whatever I have on hand when I notice the buildup. Usually a nail or screw or splinter of wood, seeing as how im a carpenter and all and that’s what’s usually nearby.
With respect it sounds like you’re a bit overly germaphobic. If you want you could wipe them with an alcohol wipe, but you could also just forget all about it and your life will be the same.
but you could also just forget all about it and your life will be the same.
Some big “Thanks I’m cured” energy here. If they truly are germophobic, then just saying “get over it” isn’t gonna do jack shit as advice.
Yes, I think I am bit more conscious about it
Though, I do live in India and our footpaths may have random unvaccinated/undomesticated animals walking/sleeping on them etc.
Recently saw news of a boy catching rabies I know that rabies would not be passed along like that, my caution has been heightened
You can buy a big box of alcohol wipes for cheap. They’re great for cleaning small things like earbuds and the case.
A quick wipe on my shirt and back in the ear it goes. I’ll do an occasional wipe with alcohol if they get extra gunky but that’s about it.
I may or may not be a gremlin.
80% isopropyl alcohol. Use a soft brush wet with some of the alcohol. Brush around the affected areas. Let it dry and that’s all for me.
I wouldn’t recommend dousing electronics in less than 90%. Feels sketchy. But I have nothing to back that up besides “electronics cleaner” being 99% iso.
70% iso is actually more effective for killing bacteria, as the additional water helps to penetrate the cell wall. Higher concentration iso is better for dissolving crud off a bong tho.
If you use 70% the remaining 30% are typically water. And water and electronics aren’t necessarily best friends.
This is true but if the water used to create alcohol is distilled, which I think it is, I think it’s okay because it’s the minerals in the water that are the real problem.
That’s true but the electronics are not as clean and the water will pick up the residue and become conductive again.
I think in a 70% solution the alcohol disrupts polarity of of the water molecules enough to stop it from picking up the residue. Only one way to find out. pours 70% alcohol onto computer while power is on
I use an old toothbrush to get all the bits of crud out, then wipe down with disinfectant hand wipes.