• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • Wow good job Spain.

    I guess this works because email doesn’t exist.

    I guess this works because file sharing applications and websites don’t exist.

    I guess this works because VPN’s free and paid don’t exist.

    I guess this works because Tor, i2p, Freenet, and Yggdrasil don’t exist.

    I guess this works because torrenting doesn’t exist.

    I guess this works because black markets don’t exist.

    I guess this works because chat applications don’t exist.

    To be a fly on the wall of these government meetings where they talk about this shit would surely be the funniest fucking thing in the world.

  • Unless it’s a shotgun firing birdshot. This is why many places you can hunt birds, it’s really the only type of firearm you’re allowed to use, because when shot at an upward trajectory, the pellets do not maintain enough velocity to be harmful when coming down and harmlessly fall to the ground. Anything rifled though is a different story, because its that spin on a bullet or a slug which allows the projectile to maintain its velocity and be dangerous when coming back down.

  • From when I worked in IT:

    -In your ticket, do not give a vague description and a time you want the problem fixed and then expect anything to get fixed. Often times we very much need to work with you directly to understand your problem thoroughly to investigate and fix it thoroughly.

    -If you have some weird problem, it might be just as weird to us when we first look at it. We are not omniscient. What we are good at is researching possible fixes, applying them, and measuring the effect they have in actually solving your problem.

    -If we didn’t install it, don’t expect we know anything about it. You might really like to install and use Fusion 360 over AutoCAD or something, but that doesn’t mean I know where Fusion 360 is storing its configurations, or that I have a phone number to call to get support from that company as a vendor, or that I have ever troubleshot this application.

    -If you’re really nice to us, we might be able to offer you suggestions for problems on personal computers, but sorry, we cant usually touch it, especially if we are outsourced IT. The moment we touch your personal computer it opens us to a shitload of liabilities and it could lose me my job.

    -We understand very much that typically the only time you’re talking to us is when you’re mad because some shit is preventing you from working, but we don’t want that either so don’t be mad at us about it, we would prefer you never had to put in a ticket for anything except configuration change requests.

    -Pay attention to our recommendations. If we say you have to have your laptop on at a certain time of day weekly for updates, we aren’t just asking for our benefit, we’re asking this because if you ignore it, eventually when you power on your laptop, windows is going to force all those updates to push at once and suddenly you’ll be without your computer when you’re supposed to be doing an important presentation because its going to take 4 hours for a years worth of updates to apply. We have little control over this.

  • golden_zealot@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mldeleted
    28 days ago

    My counterpoint to that is that if you’re a good security professional, you wouldn’t take such risks because your entire job revolves around mitigating risks.

    If you break into a network, or have someone do it for you, it’s very difficult to completely remove all evidence of that having occurred, and because there’s just so many variables, there will always be a non-zero percent chance of it being traced back to you.

    Your company can hire an entire security firm of security professionals to look for this evidence. I don’t care who someone is or how good they are at their job, very few people, unless they have narcissistic personality disorder, would trust that their individual skill completely outweighs the combined skill of an entire team of people who do that every day as their occupation.

    Furthermore, taking such extreme risks with ones future just screams that they have some mental problem which they should probably be talking to a professional about, because a typical person would consider taking any risk of being imprisoned for years for computer crimes too big of a risk.

  • golden_zealot@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mldeleted
    29 days ago

    Yes I understand the intention, but in one of these scenario’s I’ve covered my ass legally and if something happens where the company gets ransomware for example, I likely get paid thousands of dollars in overtime restoring backups and the user ends up updating anyway, and in the other I can go to prison, lose my job, and never be able to use my time at that company as a reference on a resume let alone probably easily get a job again because now I have a criminal record.

    I know this because I have lived scenario A probably 6 times in my life.

  • golden_zealot@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mldeleted
    1 month ago

    You understand that legally speaking this is approximately the same thing as telling your boss that the front door isn’t strong and thieves could easily kick it in, and then when they refuse to fix it, the response you’re suggesting is “show up at 3 am and take a sledgehammer to the door, but just dont steal anything from inside” right?

    The point is to cover your ass, not pull your pants down.

  • You did the right thing by getting a second opinion regardless of whether the first person you saw was legitimate because it was the wise decision in the sense that its important to be comfortable with a diagnosis and the person helping you.

    Do your best to be strong and don’t let the fear and frustration get the better of you, you can do this.

    Whatever might be up, whether it is schizophrenia or something else, it is treatable.

    It can take time working with a psychiatrist to figure out what works best to help you be the best version of yourself, but a solution does exist for you so don’t give up.

    For a lot of treatments for this, it can take time being on treatment for a while before you notice a difference (some times a few weeks of being on treatment). If you still aren’t noticing a difference after a few weeks, just continue to keep your psychiatrist up to date on how youre feeling, and if the treatment does not seem to be working, they will alter it to try something else to see if it works for you.

    I can definitely see how this can be frustrating, I myself experienced a long period of anxiety problems where I probably went through 10 different treatments before I found something that worked for me, but in the end it was worth the fight.

    I wish you the best of luck, always remember that you can do this and that you are a strong person.