Had a buff friend (but not even close to that) that had to reach for his seatbelt with his right hand because his biceps didn’t give him enough flexibility to reach for it above his shoulder with his left hand and sometimes he would need to pull on his right arm with his left hand to give himself enough reach…
I’m not saying it’s not possible just much less effort to use your right hand over your chest. At least for me anyway idk I’m 6’3" and drive a smaller car so that might be why.
I mean, I am not buff at all and have hypermobility so I can put my arms in positions most people can’t and I still use the other hand, so if I am driving the right and if a front passenger than the left, not sure by your description if that’s what you meant
Sure you can still do it even if you don’t need to, but he was physically unable to reach his seatbelt with the hand that’s on the same side even if he tried
Can he scratch his back?
I doubt he can scratch his balls
i doubt he can even walk through a door without turning sideways
If he tried he may accidently crush them.
Or even wipe his ass?
I mean… Bidet.
Much as I love bidets I doubt this guy owns or uses one.
Had a buff friend (but not even close to that) that had to reach for his seatbelt with his right hand because his biceps didn’t give him enough flexibility to reach for it above his shoulder with his left hand and sometimes he would need to pull on his right arm with his left hand to give himself enough reach…
It gets pretty ridiculous at some point…
Is that not how most people buckle their seat belts?
I can reach over my shoulder or behind me with my left arm…
I’m not saying it’s not possible just much less effort to use your right hand over your chest. At least for me anyway idk I’m 6’3" and drive a smaller car so that might be why.
I mean, I am not buff at all and have hypermobility so I can put my arms in positions most people can’t and I still use the other hand, so if I am driving the right and if a front passenger than the left, not sure by your description if that’s what you meant
Sure you can still do it even if you don’t need to, but he was physically unable to reach his seatbelt with the hand that’s on the same side even if he tried