I saw Against Me in 2004.
‘nuff said.
None. It’s like they’ve never really lived up to the hype and attending live music events has somehow always made me uncomfortable. Same with movie theatres.
The most immersive and impactful musical experiences I’ve had have been me sitting alone listening.
A little old school here, but Tom Petty and the HB were always fantastic live, I got to catch them several times.
I also once was socially-dragged to a Sheryl Crow concert at the Ryman, and even though she’s not usually my thing, that show was fantastic. She had a bunch of folks from the Nashville Symphony Orchestra playing with her band that night, and I’ve never seen a group of classical musicians have so much fun. They really made it an unbelievable show. If you’re ever there and can catch ANYTHING at the Ryman, do it… the acoustics are absolutely insane.
My favorite concert story was that we went to a “Best of the 80s” concert in Indiana in the late 90s when I was a teen (bands that performed included Wang Chung, A Flock of Seagulls, and a few one-hit wonders I’m struggling to remember right now). At the end, the promoters took the mic and apologized to everyone that the show was ending a little early, the closing band, Missing Persons, couldn’t make it. My friends and family I was there with laughed our asses off the entire way out of the arena, but it didn’t seem like a single other person there got it.
between the buried and me has never disappointed!
Josh Scogin in any band he’s in (the chariot, norma jean, '68)
broken social scene
death grips, quite literally as I started up front and got way overwhelmed and slowly started moving back as the show went on. it got to the point where I got outside and proceeded to puke in the trashcan. great show though!
Tauk - they blew me away from their albums too, but after having seen them live for the 2nd time last week, figured I had to post. Their drummer is incredibly hard-hitting and energetic, and keeps it going for 3+ hours
Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie both had amazing stage shows in the last decade. I can’t compare them to shows back in the day but if you get a chance they’re still worth it.
…i’ve seen some pretty epic shows by some pretty epic bands, but the last time i saw muse play, i did not expect to see a F*CKING HUNDRED-FOOT MECHA lunge out from the stage…
I saw that live. I remember thinking “man that was a good show they should be wrapping up soon” but it was like halfway through. They played a 3 hour set. Insane.
I’ll bet they are great live. I actually have only heard one song of theirs, which I found by accident years ago when trying to find something else. Everlasting Light, played live. One of very few songs that completely makes it obvious how much mp3 compression sucks, and even if you download the FLAC (sadly not high res) you can still hear everything wrong with your speakers and if you listen to it on good headphones then you can hear the deficiencies of the mic they used to record it.
Truly a huge amount of audio information in that track. I love it!
Pantera and White zombie in 1997. Metallica in 1993. Ozzy and Sepultura in 1998. Those bands were unbelievable to see live at the time and blew me away. Still vividly remember those concerts.
Porter Robinson and underscores, a few days ago.
Porter Robinson is fucking awesome. Was underscores opening?
Yeah, she got us all really hyped up before Porter came on. He was so nice! He even forgot the lyrics for one of his songs, because he was a little nervous, so he started to beatbox randomly 🤣
Thats amazing 🤣
Swans in the To Be Kind era.
Top 3 concert for me
Neil Young + Crazy Horse Bob Dylan + Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
Buddy Guy. the concert was pretty posh (think bankers in suits), with everyone having arranged seating, audience sitting still and quiet like at a classical music concert.
he was like ‘fuck this, this isn’t a proper concert, my guitar is wireless, let’s stand up, go to the entry hall and jam’. so he’s just standing in the middle of the crowd and going nuts, at like 83 years of age. That was amazing.
So many that my answer is just listing most of the concerts I can remember going to
The Midnight
DJ Shadow
Rush (RIP Neil)
The Crystal Method
Above & Beyond
Kodo (Japanese taiko drummers)
Lateralis (chiptune musician and indie game dev)
If I had to pick the three most memorable, it’d be Kodo, DJ Shadow, and The Midnight
+1 for The Midnight. About halfway through the show all but one person went backstage. For about 20 minutes this guy had the most killer synth solo. I was mind blown how well they incorporated the synth into a live concert.
+1 for above and beyond, saw them at the o2 in Greenwich. Amazing musicians.