Your day will come and it will all be worth it. My day came when the mice arrived. My wife, the one who holds me back, let me loose. Glass jars to the moon! Mice had no chance! I am king again. Brrruhhshahhahaahaha! Cackle cackle evil victory laugh.
Mice musta thought you invented some kind of forcefield to protect your food. They can see it, but they can’t get to it!
A wizard! Tis why they fled.
I’m gonna take this moment to be pedantic for the sake of education. Cabinets do not do the act of storing as is suggested by your title. They house. You store.
You store.
I read that as an insult.
Ha, you are very right. I’ve slightly edited the title to fix this.
A jar offers peak utility when empty - so much efficiency!
Hey keep your hands off my wife
No, I need more empty jars! What else should I put in all those neat empty boxes I collected?
Just like the Taoism concept of ‘Pu’, or the un-carved block, being a symbol of pure potential, an empty bottle is also pure potential
You know what grinds my gears? I give someone a jar of my homemade jam, or of honey from my bees, in one of my GOOD jars, and I never see that jar again. One “friend” said she had some jars, did I want them? Yes please! Aaaand they were weird tall skinny jars or tiny sample size jars, all with the labels still on. Straight in the recycling bin. I should have kept them and given her a tiny sample jar of honey instead of the normal pound.
Rant over.
I blame Ocarina of Time, wherein glass jars are extraordinarily useful and difficult to acquire. Oh, there’s also only four of them in existence. Cleaned-out peanut butter jars are basically Blue Eyes White Dragons.
Keep em when the goverment collapses they will be very useful for storage of food
I don’t think Rainbow Dash likes where this is going.
This is some advanced brain rot
That cursed post has forever ruined jars for me
There’s some Albertson’s trail mix that I sort of tolerate, but buy lots of because I really like the containers it comes in for storing screws and stuff in the garage.
I think my dad did similar with Yuban coffee because he’s got custom built shelves in his shop to hold over a hundred of those old steel cans.
Very cute and relatable
Jars make cute pots for small plants.