It’s not looking good, and it doesn’t really make sense to fight a losing war.
How do the Ukrainian people go about even discussing surrender among themselves? I’d imagine any mention of it would be met with hostilities, perhaps even violence.
It’s a shame because that lack of reasonable discussion can directly influence how many people die that could’ve otherwise been saved.
Every single Ukrainian who has so much as spit-shined a boot for the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be thrown in a labor camp indefinitely. The only reason I could see this not being the case is if the Russians cannot logistically handle that internment.
That’s a fair assessment to make.
Even if that were the case, wouldn’t it make more sense for Ukrainians to flee than die in a war that won’t be won?
No- it is their home. Just because some dumbass sets up camp on your front porch, is stealing your food, harassing your friends and family and beats the shit out of you any time you leave- doesn’t mean you’d leave your house. You’d fight/beat/kill the person claiming that the porch is rightfully theirs.
I’d only do that if I thought I had a good chance at winning.
Sweet, so if I want a free house I should just show up at yours! Thanks! Why do you think Ukraine has been asking for help?!?!?!
Lol. I can tell you’re the kind of person to pick and choose what you want to hear.
It makes sense that propaganda is so effective on people like you.
Yet, you’re just constantly pushing defeatist propaganda. You’re delusional.
Not really. The truth isn’t propaganda.
You just don’t like what’s being said so you’re trying to paint it as such.
I’m going to ignore you now because it’s clear you’re only arguing with your emotions. Logic and reasoning don’t apply.
lol what a fool you are- hiding behind your literal Russian propaganda and claiming others argue with their emotions.