The protests were linked to concerns over personal freedoms and government overreach. Mainly related to COVID-19 mandates and stay at home recommendations.
Supporters saw the movement as a grassroots stand for liberty against government overreach.
*edit the freedom convoy organised 3 years ago in 2022 as pointed out by commenter’s.
This is the brain rot you get when you think if it’s not on the news, then it’s not happening.
Turn off the propaganda machine. People are protesting everywhere.
Someone else pointed it out, Freedom Convoy was effectively the next “States Rights” Don’t argue with them in good faith, they don’t argue in good faith themselves.
They’re the ones that cry “2A” about guns but worship the ground of Ronny Reagan who enacted gun legislation to go against the Black Panthers. This is the group that also talks about 2A and would storm the capital attacking police but calls Black Lives Matter riots and cheer when police show up. Hell, they cry about 2A when they worship Trump who said “Take their guns first, due process after.”
They talk about “Freedom of Religion” but it’s always their religion. War on Christmas, how dare they take down the ten commandments, while cheering for the guy who wanted a Muslim ban, attacked Sikhs post 9/11 because they couldn’t even get the religion they were mad at right, and want to force their religion into schools and courthouses.
They talk about freedom of speech when they scream about being able to lie, but cheer that Musk will throw people off that will actually fact check. The party of “Fuck your feelings” cries how they’re being attacked and needs protected when it’s turned around on them.
They cry about discrimination with Affirmative Action, but it’s simply the new Southern Strategy post Obama. Had a black president, racism is over, wave the flags. Oh, still helping minorities, RACISM! But they still stand with people who wave the swastika and the confederate flag and manage to say with a straight face they are not racist at all.
They made use of the social contract of tolerance, that we’re all supposed to get along as a society. They have done so by spitting in peoples faces, enacting violence, screaming epitaphs and being the worst people ever, then run back to society every time it’s turned on them.
Do not give them the good faith they ask for. Do not treat them as reasonable human beings, they are not. When they can act with basic fucking decorum that is required to be a person, then they can be treated like members of society again.
The Convoy being a rights movement was a skin-deep excuse for what it actually was. It did not take long at all before it turned into a general anti-vax fascist movement that saw significant funding and support coming up from the US.
Right. Don’t forget how Republicans injected into schools that “my body my choice” that their kids shouldn’t be forced to get vaccinated, and then overturned the abortion laws the next minute. Fuck I hate those people.
Right! My body my choice, but some how abortion laws don’t follow this logic? Some serious mental gymnastics .
You are looking for common principles and shared values, but MAGA was only looking to seize power for itself, or at least some rich people who are part of it.
Don’t be shocked. This is basic manipulation and greed. It really is that simple. And the MaAGA crowd is disproportionately bigoted, so they get to hate who they hate more.
I think for the next 50 years people will be talking about MAGAs in the same way they talked for the last fifty years about Nazis
The Freedom Convoy was as much about personal rights as the Civil War was about state’s rights.
Well said, there’s even a deeper layer: Ask the question “states’ rights to do what?” (A: slavery). The same can be asked of the freedom convoy: “personal rights to do what?” (A: infect and kill others with a highly contagious and dangerous disease). Their exercise of personal rights in the way that some people did, should have been prosecuted as goddamn manslaughter. Same for covid denying government officials in many countries
I’ve stopped asking about States Rights to do what, they just sidestep it. I just ask them about the confederate constitution.
Article I, Sec. 9(4), Article IV, Sec 2(1)(3), Sec 3(3) (I’ll give a hint, it’s where the CSA federal government outlawed states enacting laws to outlaw slavery. States Rights my ass)
If I get the sputtering boat of “butbutbut” after that it’s what are the secession declarations of Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.
At that point either they really didn’t fucking know… I grew up in the South and I was an adult before I knew a lot of these, it certainly isn’t in the education system I’ll tell you that… but if it isn’t the really didn’t know category, then they’re as much a lost cause as their myth.
That’s because they were a bunch of morons being led around by the nose ring… Idiots… It’s a damn shame those involved didn’t get he jail time they deserved…
Even so where are the liberal convoys?
Every M-F I get up and join the morning convoy on my way to work, and then in the evening I convoy home. It’s not a flashy convoy but we line those vehicles up, three lanes wide and miles long.
They never really protested any rights, they were doing a performative demonstration showing them to be a part of the conservative crowd.
None of them ever gave a fuck about not spreading a deadly disease. Fuck them
It was also timed by the organizers to be around when covid restrictions were already going to be getting lifted, so they could claim a victory while collecting donations.
Each of those losers would be pro-Canada becoming a state. Fuck the ultra rw.
My dentist tried to bs me with this stupid convoy. He claimed that Trudeau picked up the phone ‘do you know who he called? Antifa’. I laughed in his face and found a new dentist.
“Why won’t he just hear the concerns of the people calling for his death!!”
Not to mention all the restrictions they were complaining about were put in place by the provinces. Ironically it was a Conservative premier in Ontario’s case.
Or it was the US. Truckers couldn’t enter the US without vaccination, which is not the Canadian government’s fault.
And the US who had vaccine rules for people coming in to their country. Yet the kkklownvoy protested Canadas govt over it.
My fucking dental hygenist started bitching about the dangers of 5G. I no longer felt good about her use of that X-Ray…
I had a specialist doc a while ago who started out criticizing trump. But within five minutes was legitimately arguing that Charlie Manson would have been our greatest president and that it wasn’t too crazy for someone to only want to live with people “just like us” (both white) and that “them” really were a problem.
Like, I’m used to conversations taking a hard right turn, frankly I look like what white supremacists wish they look like, so I get it often.
But I just did not see that coming after she started out shit talking trump
He’s even losing the (relatively) wealthy and (absolutely) crazy racists now. That’s his bread and butter…
The freedom convoy was less about freedom and more about being an entitled selfish dick.
They were protesting against having to have compassion and empathy towards people beyond their small bubble. They weren’t fighting for people’s rights for freedom, they were protesting against other people’s rights to stay healthy and alive, it was a selfish act by selfish assholes.
People were dying because people wouldn’t take the safety precautions seriously and these assholes thought they were superheros saving the world, no, they were assholes who were used by bigger assholes to cause as much chaos as they could to undermine the faith in the system they were fearful about.
Giant fucking babies.
Ive posted more than once that when Trump was reelected and there was no attempt to storm the capital to block his confirmation I knew the USA was doomed.
If they are prepared to use violence and ignore the rules and you arent… you’re fucked.
Related story, basically the hardest I laughed during covid.
Being a good Vancouverite, when those convoy fucks wanted to parade around and honk at hospitals, hundreds or thousands of us with bikes got in their way and kept them away from the hospitals.
Okay, so we’re blocking an arterial and some convoy fuck is screaming at us about how, in his words, “we’ve got to protest smarter.” He then finally realizes we have been politely letting non convoy cars through the lane next to him, so floors the accelerator and aims for that lane. But, he didn’t shoulder check and slammed right into a car in that lane in front of a cop. So for the next however long we got to point and laugh while advising him about the merits of shoulder checking and how he needed to drive smarter.
Gotta love when an asshole causes a 100% fault car crash with no injuries.
Good job, glad everyone was safe
almost like everything a fascist says is a lie, and the things they accuse you of are just what they’re getting hard about doing to you.
but that would be absurd.
The Convites are a special breed of abject morons who couldn’t recognize authoritarianism if it hit them in the face. They were manipulated by Russia to do their dumbass protest, enabled by the cops (OPP and OPS were fucking worst than useless) and fueled by MAGA conspiracies.
The Freedom Convoy had Russian money funding its media campaign.
The problem for leftist organizing always really comes back to the fact that capitalists are the ones in power, and that they overwhelming prefer fascism to a social democracy. There’s no billionaires funneling money into 50501’s pockets to organize a mass turnout. It’s the same reason the Tea Party was so successful while similar attempts on the left were not; their primary campaigns were well funded by the Koch bros.
Gates and Saunders could fund them. Maybe they’re not as liberal as people think, eh.
Yeah, but those were over the right to infect others, to spread disease, harm and even death. Why should I be inconvenienced when all those don’t affect me