IT guy checking in.
The only time I’ve even seen drive temp sensor alarms is on server raid arrays and other similar hard drives/SSDs… Never in my life have I seen one available on a consumer device, nor have I seen any alarm for and drive temp, go off. It just doesn’t happen.
IMO, this is one of those language barriers where people call their computer chassis (and everything in it) the “hard drive”.
Applying that assumption, their updated statement is: His computer over heated.
Idk what kind of shit system he’s running on that 60k rows would cause overheating, but ok.
As another IT guy here, it could also be a shitty method of analysis that he got from ChaptGPT. As an amateur coder/script writer, the kinds of code I’ve seen people use from these bots is disturbing. One of my coworkers asked me for help after trying to cobble together something from bots. There were variables declared and never used, variables that were never assigned values but that were used in expressions… it was like it attempted to do that ransom note made from magazine letters but they couldn’t spell coherently.
Maybe he left his shed lizard skin on top of the hard drive that caused the overheating?
Even a gamer knows that ssdd heat up but never to that level, lol.
What kind of cheap temu ssd does he have in his laptop?
Took out the fans for the aesthetic
He was saving money, you know, to be efficient.
60k of rows is nothing. Fuck, where do you find these “geniuses”?
There’s only one reason he wants kids and not experienced adults.
He’s attracted to them?
I do data analysis for a living, I reach out to tech and complain if I can’t open a file with a million+ lines.
Tbf we don’t know how many columns there are /s
The IRS just switched columns and rows. So there’s 60k rows and 330 million columns /s
Unless I’m misreading it which is possible it’s awfully late, he said he processed 60,000 rows didn’t find what he was looking for but his hard drive overheated on the full pass.
Discs don’t overheat because there was load. Even if he f***** up and didn’t index the data correctly (I assume it’s a relational database since he’s talking about rows) The disc isn’t just going to overheat because the job is big. It’s going to be lack of air flow or lack of heatsink.
I guarantee you he was running on an external NVMe, and one of those little shitty-ass Chinese enclosures. Or maybe one of those self immolating SanDisk enclosures. Hell, maybe he’s on a desktop and he slept a raw NVMe on his motherboard without a heatsink
There are times when you want a brilliant college student on your team, But you need seasoned professionals to help them through the things they’ve never seen before and never done before.
yes but also why say 60K when you could have literally said anything? I mean surely the fact that he thinks 60K rows a big number is already explaining alot lol.
It’s bait.
They probably have an explanation tweet at the ready to make more sense of it. They just want enough 'hurr durr these idiot" comments before they reverse Uno card this with more context.
Based on all that has been going on, I feel like they don’t really have the capacity to think more than one step ahead. They do sth stupid and then they usually follow up with “lol joke” or “lol you can’t understand”
There are times when you want a brilliant college student on your team, But you need seasoned professionals to help them through the things they’ve never seen before and never done before.
Honestly, any sweet, white-haired old lady who keeps pictures of her dogs and grandkids on her desk who’s been doing data entry for 15 years could do circles around these clowns.
But she might also have the wisdom and perception to know we’re not supposed to be doing this “work” at all, which is why he recruits naive teenagers and college kids who are still emotionally immature to think that this is going to be their “destiny” or their opportunity to get into the big leagues of business.
I keep hearing things about these hires he has, I don’t think they’re naive, At least not as such. They seem to be more power hungry trust fund babies.
But yeah, people with a few years in them would be a moral liability in that line of work.
Yeah if you read more of these guys tweets they are clearly in politics. One message tried to claim trump loves kids (to be clear: in the abstract sense, not in the he definitely fucked kids on an island with Epstein sense). Then they tried to twist the words to say “why don’t you love kids”. It was clumsy like you’d expect from someone who is practically a teenager, but the core is an attempt to follow the usual right wing playbook.
music theaters also have rows, and they run on sql so logic checks out.
Somehow I feel over clicking without understanding of the consequences sounds like something a techbro would do
Can’t be a relational database, Musk said the government doesn’t use SQL.
Lol he also said cybertrucks don’t suck ;)
grep would eat 60k lines without a problem too.
He said many things.
Please remember that he is a genius. Only geniuses say a lot of things.
I rest my case.
You’re not supposed to place your laptop directly in the lap of your fur suit. Always leave an air gap for ventilation, smh.
Either she knows something novel, where processing data using voice coils is somehow beneficial, or is someone who calls their computer a ‘hard drive’, which summarily negates any legitimacy of technical competence.
Or wrote the code using AI without checking what it exactly does.
The AI probably used bogosort or something equivalent
“I store my records on vinyl. You’ve probably never heard of them.”
This cannot be real, wtf. This is cartoon levels of ineptitude.
Or sabotage by someone heading out? Please let this be resistance sabotage they haven’t noticed yet.
You guys arent running your software off raspberry pi’s with sdcards from the gas station?
My allowance is 5$ a month!
I think my Pi could process 60k rows without overheating. And the poor thing is dangling behind my bookshelf from its power cord with a fine layer of dust coating every inch of it.
Why would you do this to that poor rPi?
Look, all I’m saying is give Pis a chance.
i mean…
If you’re running a pcie nvme ssd, one of the modern ones, and you’re doing a SHIT ton of reads, like threadripper level amount of reads, i guess “overheating” isn’t unexpected? Shouldn’t do much other than slow down the SSD though?
dumbass probably loaded them into memory, and OOM’d, and thought it was the drive.
Out of memory/overheating in 60k rows? I’ve had a few multi-million row databases that could fit into a few gigs of memory, and most modern machines have that much in RAM. A 60k query that overheats the machine might only happen if you’re doing something weird with joins.
Plus a lot of reads is nothing really, for basically all databases, unless you’re doing an unsmart thing with how you’re reading it (like scanning the whole database over and over). If you’re not processing the data, it’d be I/O bottlenecked.
if they wrote good code yeah, evidently they didn’t write good code if they’re struggling to process 60k lines of a database lmao.
They must either be O(n^10) complexity or something retarded like that for this to be the case. I wouldn’t put it past them.
Plus a lot of reads is nothing really, for basically all databases, unless you’re doing an unsmart thing with how you’re reading it (like scanning the whole database over and over). If you’re not processing the data, it’d be I/O bottlenecked.
again, i’m assuming they aren’t very smart, since this is an issue in the first place.
NVMEs will throttle if they are inadequately cooled. Pretty much only folks who are new at buiding computers and don’t adequately cool their NVMEs experience this.
Either way it shows what a clown show this is. I’m pretty sure they’re doing some babuki theatre to distract us and then if the scheme being done here is found, they’ll point fingers at the dipshit kid and he’ll be punished for whatever the con is.
Either way the billionaires will be better off for it, barring judicial, congressional, or military revolt; which is looking less likely by the day.
Bunch of traitors forgot their oath is to the constitution. The constitution IS the soul of the country and is to be respected. The country was founded by the constitution and it defines the system to be decentralized power giving control to the populace through three different branches of government. Not some false idol king or an evil oligarchy propped up by foreign and domestic robber barrons
I didn’t know hard drive overheating was a thing. Should I be worried that my 5 year old hard drive is about to overheat. I mean is this actually a floppy disk or something?
it is a thing, but any competently designed computer should have things in place to prevent this.
unless you’re an arrogant dipshit and disable all the hardware safeties on your computer to make it go faster and wear harder.
When an HDD works continuously it can heat up to above 60 °C if proper air circulation is not allowed, which can cause a very premature failure. In fact, it should be kept under 40 °C to achieve the intended lifespan. Unfortunately, PC cases are usually not great at removing heat from the HDD by default.
As for your drive, it most likely has a temperature sensor so it can be displayed by various utilities.
I have a 12v fan running at 5v spitting air on my hdds, and that’s enough for them to go from 55°C to 29°C, lol.
I did that too, the tiny fan is pretty much silent at 5V. The HDD has so much surface area it only needs a little air circulation.
it is, in the select event that your platter bearing fails, in which case it would be very, very obvious.
So you’ve had this happen?
no. but generally spinning things that spin at several thousands of RPM that are spinning on a bearing, that no longer have a bearing usually sort of uh, tend to be VERY noisy.
Ok, but do you know anyone this has happened to? I don’t and I have some pretty old drives I still use. I tend to just buy more. Also most drives these days are solid state aren’t they? This just feels like a low probability event to me. Overheating RAM or the CPU or GPU, sure, but hard drive?
hard disk drives do still exist, and are useful for some stuff. mostly they’re cheaper. I think better for stuff you write to often?
SSD’s can overheat. but, again, there are usually sensors to throttle them when you’re in danger of this, and this idiot probably disabled those. because safety is for cucks i guess.
not personally, i may have seen a video or two of it happening, but it’s hard to tell whether the head is dragging against the platter, or it’s the bearing, either one of those makes horrendous noise.
If you’re worried about it happening on a drive you own, you should copy that data somewhere else as a backup, ideally sooner rather than later. If you’re curious about the health of the drive you do stuff like SMART tests as well.
Yeah, most drives are solid state now, unless you’re buying hdds for archival purposes, still cheaper and denser in most cases. It’s a low probability failure, until the drive meets EOL, in which case it’s a mechanical wear part, either the motor or the bearing fails. One of them will fail first, probably the bearing.
The bearing failing would likely result in the HDD overheating as a result. Assuming the platter still spins, but that’s the only scenario i can think of where that would happen, unless you dump a very specific amount of continuous current into the read arm coils. That might also cause it, but it’s not likely at all.
An ssd “overheating” is more likely, but it shouldn’t cause too many issues, maybe premature degradation over long term use, and slowing of read/write speeds, or in some cases, an improvement, but other than that it should be business as normal. You would have to hit it with like a heat gun, to get a hardware failure or something like that.
I’m not actually worried about my drives. In fact that was kind of the point. I was kidding around because this excuse that the hard drive overheated sounds a little like a car running out of blinker fluid.
I had it happen to a random hard drive I bought, old bastard found in a bin at a local thrift store. Anyways had a big dent in it and while it started up, even booting into windows XP it cooked itself made a screeching noise and was hot to the touch. Don’t think I need to explain that the big dent was probably the source of the overheating, anyways had to use an oven mitt to relocate it to a metal bucket of water where it boiled for a minute.
So the story is plausible then?
I will now attempt a full comment … brace your hard drives
Bro seriosuly fuck off my phone is overheating now. Thanks
does elon only hire chip from sales guy vs web dude or something
No he also hire people who created a script to make fake ballots with a bias.
60k rows of anything will be pulled into the file cache and do very little work on the drive. Possibly none after the first read.
You can put 60k rows in Excel 95.
Not if each row is pi!
I smell something, but it’s not overheating electronics.
I’ve processed over 5 million records on a laptop that’s almost 10 years old. it took two days to get my results.
there’s no way 60,000 records overheated ANYTHING.
Doesn’t actually say that 60k overheated his drive. He says that he ran a run on 60k, and that he couldn’t do the whole database due to overheating. Two unrelated statements except that 60k is the lower bound for what he could process.
Doesn’t mean he knows what he’s doing though, as pretty huge datasets are processable on quite modest hardware if you do it right.
that’s somehow worse.
a “data analyst” couldn’t cut up the work into a parallel processes and run them synchronously? what the actual fuck?
“sorry, I can only do 60k at a time.”
just fucking split them up into 6 parallel batch processes running 10k at a time. it’s fucking math, not rocket science. I’m not even an analyst and I could fucking do that much.
I don’t want to take away from the valid point of your comment, but rocket science is almost exclusively math