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  • relay@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Ever since the History channel only showed bullshit and create a more superstitious audience I really do believe promoting superstitions and expanding folk cults around crypthid, ghost, psychic, and promoting worldviews of supernatural over the natural prevents people from understanding the world and isolating them from the levers of power. Believing in impossibly strong governments and impossible to understand enemies leaves the working class dis-empowered and afraid. This effectively creates mass psychosis among the populous. Spree shooters are reacting to their loss of privilege and how they are misinformed that an individual with a gun killing people can somehow liberate the world from some impossible enemy. Actual gun violence only reinforces the horror and encourages people to disengage from knowing what is going on.

    I suspect the US government is funding or subsidizing this psyop, but it could very well be the institutions of capitalism finding a way to scare people as a marketing ploy. But why would the government not try to make a profitable market to consolidate their power? It’s self funding!

    • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      That also helps to make sense of why many of these superstitions (not just History Channel bs but alt medicine, new age spirituality, and the like) so often lead into far right political spaces. It’s just another way to divide the working classes, and make money off people while they’re at it. Lots of people go into these places very angry with “the system” and their lot in life, so it also heads off a lot of revolutionary potential.

      What I find most interesting, or maybe ironic, is how (according to the oft quoted Caliban and the Witch) the ruling class at the dawn of capitalism used the which hunt around the Renaissance/enlightenment period to eradicate all of this type of superstition, magic, and folk knowledge. At that time such knowledge had exactly the opposite potential it does now, namely undermine the power of a bourgeoisie state to exploit the nascent working classes and force people to go along with the newfound scientific method of understanding, controlling, and shaping the world.

      • relay@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        I think the witch hunts were about disempowering women, destroying indigenous knowledge of the land, so that the only means of getting resources as a peasant were to work in a factory. Destroying people’s ability to provide for themselves forces them to have to sell their labor to a capitalist instead of living off of the commons. Witches perhaps acted as a power center supported by a superstitious superstructure to enforce their power that conflicted with the Bourgeoisie need to have everyone working for them.

        • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Probably both. It was part of a battle in the class war, a fundamental one, of the information control. Back then the non-mainstream superstition flown from another sources, and was uncontrolled, offered alternative narration and, as you said, alternative possibilities, so it needed to be destroyed. Right now, the non-mainstream superstition flow from the same source as the mainstream, they are only the safety valve. “Don’t like capitalism? Consumerism sickens you? Hear what this guru here have to say, or whatever, we have full offer to you, even with discounts and home delivery! Class? Marx? Never heard of it.”

  • Drstrange2love@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    CIA is behind drug trafficking from Latin America to the US, and they use the money as an untraceable fund for their most covert operations. Edit: I was wrong and it is well confirmed that this happens

  • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Nazis in the Baltic States and in Ukraine are being purposefully promoted by the USA/NATO intelligence and media machine as a goading tactic towards Russia.

  • Camarada Forte@lemmygrad.mlM
    2 years ago

    COVID was lab-produced by the United States and the Pentagon. The US has historically used bioweapons both through wars (Korean War) and covertly (Cuba dengue epidemic) [those are just two examples].

    In its desperate drive to compete against a fast rising China, the United States (DoS + Pentagon + CIA) preferred to sabotage world economy and hurt the two countries through a global pandemic than to let China outlast them very quickly. They could be seeking for more time to react to the rise of China.

    The Foreign Ministry of China called in 2021 for investigations in the United States biological weapon facility Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina, to which the United States never gave a response.

    From January to August 2019, a few months before the pandemic, the United States ran a joint exercise called Crimson Contagion to test the capacity of the federal government to respond to a pandemic from China. It described the virus as a “respiratory virus [that] began in China”. The Times of Israel reported that the CIA alerted Israeli and NATO officials of a pandemic in China in November 2019, a month before China fist detected the virus and sent the information to the WHO (end of December 2019).

    • Water Bowl Slime@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      My main issue with this is that COVID hurt the west much more than it did China and surely US officials would have known that would happen, right? I don’t doubt that they’re depraved enough to have developed undisclosed biological weapons tho.

      • sudojonz@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        The US doesn’t seem to accurately anticipate blowback in their schemes, I don’t see why Covid would be any different. Take the “current situation” for example, they thought sanctions would cripple Russia and oust Putin and they have done neither. As well the sanctions clearly backfired on the EU and US.

    • relay@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I personally like it because it has a sick twisted irony to it. America, once again killed millions, but mostly their allies and their own citizens, while the enemy nations took it pretty well.

      • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        It has “culled”, if you’ll excuse the term, the proletariat. Who were the main victims? Those who couldn’t afford medical aid or even a sick leave. Meanwhile, the geriatrics in charge somehow get healed easy peasy

    • Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Not to mention the biolabs in Ukraine and going all the way back to SARS and the native genocide. Very likely

      • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        There’s several ones about bin Laden death, probably the one linked to another one, that Osama never stopped being CIA agent (this i could believe as in topic) and they killed him much earlier to quiet him, then used the chase for dead man as excuse to do more imperialism.

  • Leninismydad@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Bigfoot is real. Bigfoot is a isolated and highly intelligent group of neanderthals that purposely isolate themselves in the rural and uninhabited areas of the world, they are actively hiding themselves from humans because…humans, you know. They are as intelligent as people and actively obfuscate evidence of their existence to avoid serious investigation.

    However, many so called sightings are fake, there are a few legitimate ones out there with 98% being poor copies and mimics.

    My evidence? My ass. Still believe it.

      • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        She was a threat to the status qou of the monarchy, as she was brazenly becoming the face of the royal family with soaring public appeal, completely overshadowing the Queen. She had also deeply embarrassed the entire royal family with her justified divorce from her ghoul of a husband, along with her affair with a “common person”.

        In essence, she became an annoyance and a threat. It was for everyone’s benefit in the royal family and British government that she be quietly swept aside.