“The desire for power should automatically exclude you from having any.” Billy Connelly
“The desire for power should automatically exclude you from having any.” Billy Connelly
Pretty interesting after Robin Wright’s role in The Congress.
The world has been changing fast and I think the safest advice in terms of always having work is to learn something to do with bedrock infrastructure, like plumbing or welding.
If you bang on about the election process not working and then win the election you have totally delegitimised yourself before you’ve even begun.
Vatican City.
I am drunk. I wish you hadn’t suggested that.
So anyway, what are the pros and cons?
New linux user goes online to find out how to list installed packages in the terminal. Starts removing the ones they don’t recognise.
bypassing the package manager (especially installing with curl | sudo sh
I’ll admit that I’ve done this with a few things that I wanted to install but weren’t in my repo…
It’s pretty amazing isn’t it?! There’s no way that I would have had the time and patience set up a server without it.
Check out Ardour for music production. You should be able to get older versions for free on most distributions or get the current version for a donation via their website.
Will I be OK updating from the Debian repo?
Thanks! Looks like a really interesting app as well.
Interesting, I didn’t know that. Is that controlled by the operating system or something else? I’m curious about whether my Debian laptop does the same.
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman were travelling abroad and needed a place to sleep for the night. They stopped at a farm and asked the farmer if they could sleep there. The farmer said “Yes, you can. But all of you must promise not to have sex with my beautiful daughter.” They all solemnly agreed and were shown to their room for the night.
One by one though, each of them was overcome by temptation and sneaked down the hall to farmer’s daughter’s bedroom to have their wicked way with her.
I’m the morning they came downstairs and were greeted by the farmer. “Good morning!” he said, “I hope you all slept well. Take a basket each and go out and pick something from my farm to eat for breakfast”. Being very hungry from their travels they all eagerly went out to look for their favourite food.
The first to return was the Englishman. The farmer was waiting for him - with a loaded shotgun. “I know what you did last night!” shouted the farmer, pointing his gun at the Englishman. The Englishman threw his hands up in the air, dropping the basket of strawberries he’d picked for breakfast. “Bend over and put those strawberries up your arse and let that be a lesson to you!” The Englishman did as he was told and pushed the strawberries up his bum. Seeing that the farmer was satisfied the Englishman ran out the door and off into the distance.
Next to return was the Scotsman. “What did you pick for breakfast young man?” asked the farmer. “I picked carrots” answered the Scotsman. “Well put them up your arse you dirty bastard!” screamed the farmer, pulling out the shotgun “I know what you did last night!” “Please dont shoot me sir!” Cried the Scotsman, as he painfully pushed each of the carrots up his bum before making a break for it and running out of the house.
Last to return was the Irishman, carrying his basket on his back. “You dirty lying son of a bitch!” screamed the farmer “You had sex with my daughter last night!” “Now tell me what you picked for breakfast.”
The Irishman heaved his basket onto the floor with a thud.
They both looked down at its contents.
“I picked a pumpkin sir.”
Recently at work I set up Windows to open spreadsheets and word documents in Libreoffice Calc and Writer instead of Excel and Word. Nobody seems to have noticed yet.
Either that or they don’t know how to change back again.
I tried a few out and found that Flowblade worked best for me. If you’re only trimming and combining video though, you MUST check out Lossless Cut. It’s ridiculously fast.
Do you know if hugo blogs can federate?
Fuck yeah!