• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’ve also cone to realize that this is the real purpose of ads.

    Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world, you have the right idea, but the other key thing you should remember is to never talk about the corps to anyone, even if you’re dragging their name through the mud. “No such thing as bad press,” as they say.

    It’s good to denounce the practice, but it seems naming and shaming specific companies just doesn’t work anymore at this stage.

  • This is just off the top of my head from a bit of experience in KSP, but depending on the thrust-to-weight ratio of the engines, it would probably be able to take off, but you’re right, it wouldn’t win any fuel economy awards.

    Actually I doubt any material could stand that kind of wing loading, and the aerodynamics would probably be all kinds of fucked. Pretty apt analogy for a beginner developer.

  • IIRC it runs worse than BotW which is kind of shocking to me. I mean, yeah the game is much larger in scope, but it runs on the same engine, and you’d think they would have been able to optimize the hell out of it.

    I started my TotK playthrough a few weeks ago and I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been taken out of the experience when the FPS dips below like 10. And this is with no action happening in the scene. Not to take anything away from the overall product—the game is magnificent—but I’m really curious as to what their lower bound was in terms of acceptable performance.

    I haven’t been bothered by any shadows, and I think the camera is quite nice (so far), but I’m right there with you regarding emulation. Pretty soon I’m gonna try to dump my own cart and get it working on a more capable machine. I don’t need 4K res, or AA, or texture filtering. Just let me get a little immersed without poor hardware standing in my way. And if I want to play it on the go, I’ll use my Deck.

  • Exactly. I think long-range strikes on military infrastructure is A-OK but actually expanding the frontline into russia would be a gigantic move, with potentially unpredictable results.

    Now that we’re solidly on the same page, I wanted to reply to:

    Selling an invasion isn’t something the international community is really showing an interest in right now.

    Unless you consider everything that Israel is doing. The international community is apparently perfectly fine with that kind of invasion, being complacent (at best) while thousands of innocent people are killed. Israel can at least offer the disputed claim that Oct. 7 caught them off guard and that hamas must be eliminated (I agree with the latter… fuck hamas), but russia has no ground to stand on for justifying their current attempted genocide. There’s obviously some shady shit happening behind the scenes.

  • These answers are all really fun but I didn’t see anyone point out one thing: why should we assume that our creators’ “computer” architecture is anything remotely similar to our technology? I’m thinking of something like SETI—We can’t just assume that all other life is carbon-based (though evidently it’s a pretty good criterion). The simulation could be running on some kind of dark matter machine or some other exotic material that we don’t even know about.

    Personally I don’t subscribe to the simulation theory. But if it were true, why would the system have any kind of limitation? I feel like if it can simulate everything from galactic superclusters down to strings vibrating in Planck Time, there are effectively no limits.

    Then again, infinity is quite a monster, so what do I know?