Idk if this is the right instance for this, but how fucking tired of these forced ads at gas pumps is everyone else?
I’m paying 4 bucks a gallon to have you shove advertising down my throat like an erect cock?
What the actual fuck
Anyone have any good ad blocking practices for this?
I’ve seen duct or painters tape covering the speakers…
You can press a button next to the screen to mute it, but this doesn’t work at all gas stations. (Usually its the 2nd from the top on the right side)
I guess its just time to gettoblast music every time I pump gas like back when I was 19…
Costco pumps dont have ads. Only fuel there. Set the other gas starion on fire
Yeah I need to pay a yearly subscription, and wait in line for 30 minutes (wasting gas) in order to pump it. Yeah let’s do that
Opt out entirely. Get an electric car. Your gas pump is your garage and you start every day with a full tank.
Mr. fancypants with a garage over there. Meanwhile, ain’t no public chargers for miles around here.
If only I had 80 grand lying around for a tesla…
Tesla is a shit EV. There are other options. I’ve seen more and more Rivian’s in my area lately.
It’s a good time to clean your windshield, check your oil/coolant levels, tire pressure and throw any trash away… do you really stare at the pump like a n00bz?!
Oh you’re getting raped?
Why don’t you go over your taxes in your head? Don’t forget those deductions!
You can always recite pemdas in your head, or other acronyms, roygbiv, count backwards from 100…
All in all, if you are getting raped, don’t fight back! Just lay there and take it like a good sheeple
You can’t rape the willing… But if you are dumb enough to return over and over maybe you lack the mental capacity for consent altogether…is there only one gas station you can go to? Are you like a moth that goes towards the light? You know, I can help you get a discounted bus pass for your condition. It seems like it might be the best thing for you ❤️
Tell that to my ex…
She was willing but I still raped the hell outta her
Gotta love people that think the way they live is how everyone else on this planet lives…
I’m sorry my mom told me not to talk to rapists/retards
One of my most upvoted comments on here is saying I should be legally allowed to smash those screens if they play ads.
I don’t need advertisements shoved in my face every second of every day.
Yes, that would be nice if it were legal, but its not.
Tell that to my mask and hammer
I hope you cover your license plate too lol
I’ll take my lamborfeeties
Except you’re a slave in the capitalistic machine like the rest of us so fuck you. /s
Strange things are in the US. The only good adblocker which ocurres me for this
I just start pumping then go clean out my car. Sometimes I catch a little of the front or end of the ad. It doesn’t really bother me as I’m not paying attention and I still have my car music on
Bro, what is going on in the USA 😅 You guys better hope Neuralink fails otherwise there’ll be ads right in your craniums.
Anti Commercial AI thingy
Yeah, but if you don’t get a neuralink, you don’t have the advantage everyone else does
Fuck it. I don’t want such “advantages” anymore. I want a small house, a workshop, and a garden. I’ll be lucky if I can get even that. The world can just go pass me by.
See everything through a lens … of ads!
"People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.
You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity.
Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.
You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs."
– Banksy
Interested in a Adam Curtis video on the merger of psychology, marketing, and politics?
That’s why my hobby is firing infrared lasers at soviet early launch warning satellites.
Anyone have any good ad blocking practices for this?
Don’t buy gas from places that do this. Hasn’t failed me yet and if more people did it maybe they’ll stop.
As you are able I’d highly recommend going electric. Then you don’t even have to go to gas stations. If you’re able to charge at home (which I’m aware many are not) it’s even better because anytime you leave the house you can have a full tank.
I have an electric car and the result is a loss of 20% of my income in the form of time spent twiddling my thumbs while the thinks slowly accumulates charge.
What job do you do where you can only charge it during work hours, yet the 30 minutes it takes to charge account for 20% of that work time?
A made up job!
They’d just blame millennials for ruining buying gas and double down on the ads.
More that I don’t know of a single gas station without ads
Yup. The “free” market says that if everyone does the same shit, you have no choice, and they still make more money.
If a company’s being smart, deviating from the universal enshittification will earn them market share.
They will get the market share of us few weirdos who haven’t just accepted this shit. They will lose out on advertising revenue, have to charge more for gas, and will go out of business.
you can get fuel delivered to your house, install a few tanks, or straight to your vehicle
Can I fill you up or wut?
What’s a gas pump?
If you’re in Europe, perhaps you know it as a petrol ejaculator.
Second button down on the right side of the screen, press it (up to) 4 times and it mutes that shit
I’ve read that, but it’s never worked for me
stopped working for me like 2 years ago
Ohhh maybe it’s the multiple presses that are needed
I was just pressing every button once without success.
Since we are sharing…
Holding down 1-5-9 or 3-5-7 can drop a POS card reader into debug mode, but it’s brand dependent. (I have had it also crash the host terminals in some cases as well.)
also want to say that this is illegal in most places. The store may or may not press charges, but they have the right to and they will win that case if they do. So only do it if you know you can get away with it or have permission or don’t mind having the stain on your legal record and whatever fine they hit you with
It’s not destructive, nor can it really be considered illegal access. I suppose there is something illegal about it if it’s classified as a DoS, I guess. There isn’t much on a payment PED aside from an encryption key and maybe some network information.
Entering your PIN and accidentally hitting 3 buttons hardly seems like something to get charged with. How you leverage that for other things could easily be a problem.
All I am saying is that the likelihood of serious repercussion is very low. Still, I have to agree: Only do it with permission and with purpose.
Because why just hack it as much as you need to when you can go all the way? AMIRITE?
It serves a niché function in some situations. (Physical pen testing, in my case. I needed the person at the register gone in one case so I could setup a small network tap.)
Physical pen testing
was it really pen testing or just pen…ing😏
The only difference is who pays you to do it 😁
I would probably bring a really thick permanent marker with me and some chewing gum for the speakers. I’m lucky enough to live in an area that has pretty good cycling infrastructure so I don’t have to deal with that shit. I’m sorry you do though.
Most of them the second button down on the right is mute, though I’ve been running into some recently that disabled the mute.
Anyway, I sharpie a “mute” next to the button on stations where it isn’t labeled for other people. It’s one bit of graffiti that I’m not at all conflicted about.
This never works for me at any brand gas station. I try it every time.
I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Only once has the second button down from the right not worked. But in that instance it was the bottom right button.