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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Although, debatably, homo neanderthalensis is not a subspecies of homo sapiens, thus negating the need for a homo sapiens neandterthalensis and homo sapiens sapiens classification differentiation to exist, making homo sapiens always the modern man (who yes, is also an ugly caveman) and homo neanderthalensis the most recent full time ugly caveman.

  • A few things (disclaimer, I‘m both a Linux and mac user. Linux on my gaming machine, mac on my work machines):

    • Privacy is a big factor. Microsofts track record is bad, even among non FOSS companies.

    • Bloatware and Ads. Microsofts insistence on pushing OneDrive, Edge, 365 and bing are annoying to say the least. Why do they think I’m going to change my mind about that after a minor update?

    • The UX is less than stellar. Why does the OS have 4 different UI styles for different programs that sometimes even do almost the same thing but not entirely, so you’ll have to use both versions?

    • It’s almost impossible for me to keep my desktop tidy short of not using it. I’m dependent on macOS stack feature. On Linux I never had enough random files for it to be a problem.

    In short, Windows just annoys me. While Linux and macOS go out of my way and let me just do my stuff, Windows just constantly pulling my attention away from what I advertised want to do and that was even when I was using my PC solely as a gaming machine.

    Edit: formatting

  • accideath@lemmy.worldtoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comACAB.
    18 days ago

    I‘m not defending capitalism, I’m just saying that China shouldn‘t be the system we praise as a good example.

    The same way, I’m not defending the PIC or the US‘s incarceration rates. I’m just saying, if you want a positive example for how prisons should be run, don’t look at a state that currently runs concentration camps. Look at countries with actually low incarceration rates like the Scandinavian countries, Germany, Switzerland or the Netherlands, that place their focus on reintegration not punishment, don’t have political prisoners, treat their inmates like human beings and also generally don’t have privately run prisons that “need” to be profitable.

  • accideath@lemmy.worldtoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comACAB.
    19 days ago

    If the uyghur situation is immaterial then so is incarceration rate in general. Especially since there are a bunch of capitalist countries with a significantly lower incarceration rate than China.

    And if they say they’re socialist it must of course be true. Authoritarian regimes have never misrepresented themselves ever. /s

  • accideath@lemmy.worldtoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comACAB.
    19 days ago

    For one, the US is a terrible example for incarceration rates in any case. If you look at Europe, the incarceration rate on average is very comparable and in many Western European countries like Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, etc. it’s closer to half that, sometimes even less than half.

    And also, China has a comparatively huge number of political prisoners and some places in China (particularly where a lot of Uyghurs happen to live) have incarceration rates of more than 3700 per 100000.. That’s a lot higher than the US and more than double than even the US‘s incarceration happiest state Louisiana with ~1400/100000.

    And even ignoring that, I wouldn’t use China as a great example for a socialist state either, for the reasons that they have a totalitarian government that doesn’t like it very much if you don’t like them and that they very much do take part in capitalism, being the worlds cheap production plant.

  • The problem was less parallel processing but that every one of the cell‘s 8 co-processors (SPE) needed to be individually programmed. The 360 had a tri core design that was much easier to develop for and take full advantage of. Thus, most 360 games, especially early in the generation, look and/or perform better than their ps3 counterparts, since the latter usually only ran on the one regular processor core (PPE) that the cell had, without taking Ananas off the SPEs. Notable exceptions are the ps3 exclusive titles and some other later games, that took partial or even fully advantage. Even Naughty Dog only used 3-4 SPEs in their earlier uncharted games, while their later games like the last of us uses them all.

  • I think one of the issues, why there terminal is seen as necessity is, that there are almost no tutorials that refer to the gui. So if you’re a newbie and try to find out how something works like adding a third party repo to your package manager or making an install script executable, all you get is a command. You don’t get a “add this address to the list in the settings menu of your package manager, which you can find here”, for example.

  • Well, unless you exclusively play games made by small indie studios and that are distributed directly, that’s still the price you need to pay if you want to consume said content while playing on a PC. Or you pirate and thus don’t support the people who created it. I don’t like that situation either and there are some developers I definitely won’t support with my money. However, that decision isn’t based on the need for some account, when it’s trivial to make one. That’s annoying but the dealbreakers should be scammy, unfinished games, predatory, gambling-like micro transactions, bad company culture, etc, not the need to have a burner email account.

  • They are indeed usually in inches but that’s probably bleeding back to Europe from the US. And most people don’t actually know how much that would be in metric. It’s sometimes listed but no one I know actually uses those numbers. We just know that 65 is bigger than 55, etc. If we want to know if it fits in our living rooms, then we look at the actual size in cm. I also couldn’t think of anything else that’s imperial, at least here in Germany.

  • Bing is the default engine in Edge which is the default browser on Windows. There’s a huuuge demographic who doesn’t care enough to change either of those.

    Also, Bing profits from other search engines using their results as a base. DuckDuckGo, for example, uses Bing as their primary source for search results. And in my experience is better at it than google, these days.