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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • I drove it about 60-80 miles a day on a Houston commute for about 2 years. Now I took it on the road and am trying out the digital nomad lifestyle. Just drove 1000miles in 2 days, from sea level to 10,000ft. I haven’t had a problem finding chargers or with anything else.

    If you’re road-tripping, there are apps to plan the optimal route based on whether you want to arrive in the shortest time or don’t mind stopping for a while longer at parks, restaurants, or shopping places. I generally drive about 2 1/2-3 hrs, then stop for a half hour or so, give or take 10 minutes if I’m in a rush or want to stop for lunch or something. When im in a hotel, I just search for hotels that have EV chargers and charge overnighit… those are usually free. When I’m in a new area renting a place, I haven’t had an issue finding a plug to slow charge or a grocery store or something that has a fast charger.

    I guess to answer your question, I primarily take it on road trips, but use it locally in the destinations I land in.

  • You can get a base Tesla model 3 for under 30k with the federal incentive right now. Go to the website if you don’t believe me.

    People still don’t understand that EVs have a total cost of ownership that saves you 10-20k over the life of the vehicle compared to an ICE vehicle. Now the sticker prices are getting cheaper than ICE vehicles and people still can’t get past the expensive versions from a few years ago.

    If you’re waiting for Ford to offer a sub 30k vehicle, you’re going to be waiting a while. They seem to be giving up on trying to get to scale on production and won’t bring costs down on the numbers they’re pumping.

  • Commissions on EV sales for legacy automakers are dismal. None of the legacy automakers are making EVs at scale so they are losing 10s of thousands of dollars per EV they sell. Sales personnel aren’t moving them because they have no incentive to do so. Then these companies complain about how there is no demand while the EV sector is growing exponentially.

    Tesla got to scale while legacy automakers were all laughing at them and now they have to compete by gaslighting the marketplace about how there is no demand.

    I’ve been in an EV since 2020 and am never going back. When people start to wake up to how convenient and comfortable EVs are and stop buying into all of the negative media, it’s only going to snowball from there.

  • The problem is that they already do that. They get the rich people to pay them to push an agenda, then they lock everything behind a paywall, then they advertise the fuck out of everything. You have to pay with your time and money to be advertised to on a biased service.

    If I could pay a subscription and not have them collect and sell my data and advertise in every 3rd square inch of the site, I would. But that isn’t happening when they know they can make more money by taking advantage of the customer.

    That’s why I’m here… but this is as much of an echo chamber as any other social media site.