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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • According to Qualcomm it would. It’s extremely Early days in this, but the claims from MS and Qualcomm indicate ARM x86 emulation being quite good, faster in some cases. MS is throwing a lot of weight behind their “Prism” x86 to ARM instruction mapper/translator. And without adding much in the way of power draw.

    I’m not gonna pretend you can believe marketing bullshit, but there is definitely at least some real development happening here. And if you paired the newest Qualcomm chips with a chip like the Tegra, you could have some amazingly battery life.

    So it’s no guarentee, but it’s a huge development happening that at the very is going to shake things up even if it doesn’t make a direct impact in the end.

  • I honestly could give a shit. You think games don’t report telematics internally back to devs? Who share them with publishers anyways?

    Valve has so much telematicd data on you it’s insane. Same with other companies. Sony just isn’t good at burying the lead.

    At the end of the day it’s the same as a GOG Account, an Epic Login, or a Ubisoft Account. They all exist and we lost this fight when we allowed giant super publishers to merge and control distribution, and when no alternative to steam has ever got off the ground.

    Say what you will about Epic, but it is by f as R the closest anything is to breaking Valve’s iron grip, and it’s still a distant second place also ran.

    So yea, Sony requires a login. I wish they didn’t, but literally everything does besides GOG. They all use Denuvo and DRM and lock the exe to the client. Sony doing it to run their leaderboards at least makes some sense.

  • The whole fucking point of the gamepass model is that you subscribe and provide them with a steady income stream between game releases. No big “boom” when a title drops, but also no “bust” when there are no releases.

    The fact that MS has blinked and isn’t going to stay the course means that gamepass is unsustainable at present, and they don’t have the spine to triple down until it is.

    I don’t want gamepass to succeed, but it’s a move thst only a company of MS’ size could even attempt. And it requires years and years of patience to pull off. But after the ActiBlizz buyout, investors lost patience and now the 10 year gamble is over.

  • If you’re banned on steam for shitting up the game, they don’t want you making a new account to shit it up on PSN. And vice versa. Currently you can get banned in game on steam and just pack up and move to PSN.

    It means to be an incessant troll you would have to limit your account spam to the PSN side, which requires 2 factor, or make more steam accounts as well.

    So halving the troll problem for Arrowhead by not having them chase two separate account systems.

    It is likely also so that matchmaking and player counts on the PSN side can be accurate. If there are 300k people playing, but the PSN only reports half of that, it makes the game population seem much smaller for new users.

    Honestly i treat it like Origin or EPIC. I don’t love having to have it, but the benefits out weight the demerits, and I have the account anyways.