imagine being killed by a doohickey
I’d much rather be killed with a doohickey than just a regular boring 'ol gun
This machine kills fascists.
Although I’m a big fan of a good old fashioned killdozer.
Is that a model rocket with knives attached?
Ah, a killamajig.
a killamajig.
Nice word you have there. Would be a shame if someone stole it
“I took your code.”
“It’s not my code.”
sounds like something a gobbo would say. love it!
Is that from backyard scientist?
It does look very familiar
Make Gauss proud
Crowd control M113.
M113 (Gavin) fitted with M5 Modular Crowd Control Munitions (MCCM). The MCCMs intentionally use the same bodies as Claymore mines for an intimidation factor. The MCCM works similarly to a Claymore, except with a much lower powered charge and rubber balls instead of metal.
The vehicle was meant for military prison control. If a prison riot was getting out of hand, the vehicle could roll up and let off a broadside.
Everybody gangsta ‘til Gavin rolls up with the claymore broadside
Scorpion rocket launcher. (This one is legitimately neat. YES, the designers know what backblast is, and the design redirects it to the side and away from the shooter. NO, the launcher is not permanently attached to the M16, it fixes using the bayonet lug and goes on and off just as quickly.)
Huh, yeah that’s actually a neat design. The fact that the back blast now goes in two directions must make that fun (“fun”) to use; at least with a regular shoulder-launched recoilless anything, you only need to make sure there’s nothing or nobody behind you that you don’t mind turning into dogfood and regrets
It was developed as one of many proposed weapons to fill the U.S. Army’s desire for a squad level weapon that could be fired from inside a building, and packed more anti-armor punch than a 40mm.
Think about the time period and planners thinking about how to stop hypothetical hoards of BMPs rolling through West Germany.
This, along with other weapons, weren’t adopted because the Army pivoted doctrine away from focusing on new squad level weapons that could damage IFVs, to larger weapons like the TOW that could take out MBTs. The change in thinking traded lightweight and abundance organically to infantry on the move for better performance.
I appreciate when a military’s response to ‘how do we solve this problem?’ becomes ‘that is not your problem.’ Ze Germans have a term for overloading functionality: eierlegende Wollmilchsau. Literally an egg-laying wool-milk-pig. Get your whole breakfast and a cozy blanket from one made-up animal. It is important to divide responsibility and avoid conflicting design goals.
Dudes fighting tanks is not a fair fight. You know what’s even less of a fair fight? Tanks fighting guided artillery.
Slightly nervous A400M noises
I made in my teens a gun from Lego Technic that shot a lady cracker with another lady cracker. It got about 20 m before the cracker exploded after 0.5 seconds.
Sadly no foto, and it got unusable after about 20 shots.
Oooh baby I like it
The heck does this one do? “RAW” is generic enough that it turned out to be hard to search for, heh
“What does it do?”
“You’re looking at it.”
“What it does is be a sphere?”
It’s a ballonet.
“Rifleman’s Assault Weapon”.
Documentation is pretty spotty. The publicly available stuff tends to be corporate marketing material which is written by people who might not fully understand the technical aspects and/or are fudging or intentionally simplifying.
The overview is that it’s a rifle launched multi-mode munition for the M16.
XF-85 Goblin
Oh yes, the Goblin is an excellent doohickey
Me 163 Komet
Ah the one that melted it’s pilot!
Sometimes they (and/or the ground crew) burned or blew up too! Gotta love Nazi engineering that kills a lot of Nazis
They briefly considered chlorine trifluoride but it was apparently too hazardous.
In John Clark’s book Ignition (highly recommended for rocketry nerds if you can get your hands on it. I had a copy but somehow managed to lose it…), he described chlorine trifluoride like this:
It is, of course, extremely toxic, but that’s the least of the problem. It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers, not to mention asbestos, sand, and water-with which it reacts explosively. It can be kept in some of the ordinary structural metals-steel, copper, aluminium, etc.-because of the formation of a thin film of insoluble metal fluoride which protects the bulk of the metal, just as the invisible coat of oxide on aluminium keeps it from burning up in the atmosphere. If, however, this coat is melted or scrubbed off, and has no chance to reform, the operator is confronted with the problem of coping with a metal-fluorine fire. For dealing with this situation, I have always recommended a good pair of running shoes.
Isn’t that the stuff that explodes stone and burns water?
Yeah, it makes really good fuel but also likes to burn just about anything without any encouragement
Not sure if this counts, but I feel like I’d be put on a list for watching this
I think you’d be short a few fingers if you tried firing a live round from that thing.
I was gonna point out that printed guns usually use proper metal barrels, but no, that fuckin thing sitting in the ejection port looks like a printed barrel. What the hell.
Even if it had a metal barrel, the forces from firing a bullet would probably tear the gun in half. The gun is made of plastic, and presumably, the hinge it uses to fold in half is also made of plastic.
Like I just wrote in another comment, I’m a doohickey anarchist: anything you think is a doohickey is a doohickey.
I feel like I’d be put on a list for watching this
You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing
You mean the cool kids list? 😎
That’s what Tor is for
M142 kit.
Mmhmm. And when does the full firing device come out?
Rocket wrench.
One detail I love in the later Ender’s Game books involves teleporting a properly apocalyptic bomb into a very small room with the people who launched it. One of them pops it open and basically clicks Disarm > Are You Sure? > Yes.
I think it’s Ender himself who asks ‘… is that all?’ The guy’s like ‘Oh, yeah. We made it very easy to turn off.’
… what am I looking at here?
I mean, yes, rocket wrench, but ???
Have you ever wanted to unscrew the fuze from a dudded aircraft bomb, but you wanted to do it from far away?
This do that.
It’s 30% less cursed than the alternative tool.
But if you’re far away and things go wrong, you won’t get that sweet release of death?
Seriously speaking though, that up close and personal version does look pretty fuckin cursed. I assume the call of the void is strong with EOD folks
The other version is a mechanical impact wrench. Activated by repeatedly yanking on the rope with full body strength. Both versions of the tool get fitted onto the fuze first like in the photo.
Yep, definitely cursed
Even clamping this onto the fuse sounds terrifying
9 out of 10 times it’s fine.
And the 10th time?
That the neat part, then it isn’t your problem anymore…
A certain Martian is made very happy.
I’ve never heard the 10th guy complain.
To shreds, you say?
And his wife?
I wouldn’t worry about it.
Imagine using this on your cock
Praying Mantis.
This season of battle bots is gonna be lit
Big Hobart’s Funnies energy
The prototype was even sillier: