Monkey’s paw moment: they’re for STIs rather than mental disorders.
There’s lots of different neurodivergence and not all of them are scary crazy
This is true, however, if their bathroom looks like that and they act like that’s a completely normal way for a bathroom to look, you should probably be cautious at the very minimum.
That seems a little presumptuous.
Exactly. Don’t judge a person by the blood writing on the walls!
They will never leave you alone. Don’t use your real identity, phone number etc…
But the rest of your life after that is a nightmare.
worth it, i’ve ruined my life, and i’d do it again
only if your date know.where you live. Otherwise just block their ass.
That’s why you never tell people where you live until you go camping with them, or watch them build furniture with instructions
If you’re good at stalking then all you really need is a full name and a rough age range to get the rest.
Then you realize that’s your bathroom and you never had a tinder date…
Try telling that to my other personality ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I guess there can be at least one upside to sticking your dick in crazy. Or, I guess, letting crazy stick its dick in you.
Looking at my dating history… yeah, that tracks.
Always Put It In Crazy, worry about later … later
Is there anyone here who has actually gone on a “Tinder” date? What was it like?
I’ve done maybe a dozen or so?
It’s just a normal date, but you’re trying to get a feel for the person to see if there is any chemistry for the first time.
I’ve had dates where the next day the lady ghosts me. I’ve had dates where the next day the lady says she wants to have my baby. I’ve had dates where we both kinda mutually thing that a second date isn’t in gonna happen.
The last few ladies in my life have been met on Tinder. Where else are you going to meet people? Work? Gonna be fun if there’s a breakup. Gym? Doubt the pretty girl with the nice yoga pants wants people approaching her. For a long while I was a regular at a bar but I “only” made a load of friends there.
went home and never heard from her again.
Sticking your dick in crazy will make your life interesting.
Bonus, you don’t have to go to work tomorrow
Or ever again.
You’re never leaving.