Alright, so I’ve been seeing these videos floating around where people are legitimately surprised by things Donald Trump has done—things he actually promised to do during his campaigns. The common thread in all of these reactions is something like, “Well, he said he’d do it, but I didn’t think he’d actually go through with it!”
And here’s the thing: if someone votes for a politician who doesn’t follow through on their promises, isn’t that kinda bad? Like, wouldn’t you want the person you voted for to keep their word? So why is this a thing now? Is this just people messing around and trolling, or did they genuinely think Trump wasn’t going to do what he said he’d do?
I mean, maybe it’s because of how unpredictable Trump was during his presidency. He had a habit of saying things one way but then doing the opposite, which could’ve made some people doubt whether he’d actually follow through on his big promises. But now that he is following through on some of those things, it seems like people are genuinely caught off guard.
So here’s what I’m wondering: is this something to celebrate? Like, is it a good thing that people didn’t think Trump would keep his word? Or is it just another example of how the political landscape has changed in ways no one expected?
He was entertainment to them. He’s like the frat brother who suddenly says “Let’s do a road trip to Florida!” (from NY) and everyone just laughs and goes “Ok, sure”. Then they see him loading up the car.
A Million Americans, died, badly, choking on their own fluids, unable to be near, see, or touch their loved one’s when they passed, from a purposefully inept United States Federal COVID19 response, where during one of the press conferences Donald Trump suggested to an eminent virologist on live TV, that citizens might be able to use interal light therapy, or inject bleach as a treatment. What would a sentient being over the age of reason think was going to happen if he ever got a chance to take the big chair again?
Trump doesn’t lie about the shitty things he wants to do. He lies about anything he’s going to do for regular people.
Those of us that voted for Harris are not surprised. I was aghast at my fellow Americans that voted for Trump / colluded with Trump’s election subversion strategies.
Trump has also somewhat admitted to Elon messing with voting machines. And I believe that one of the DOGE persons had experience in hacking election hardware earlyin the 21st century.
The next congressional elections will likely be subject to more subterfuge.
At this point is it even subterfuge?
They’re not hiding it any more.
TL;DR for Americans: American citizens are the biggest idiots on the fucking planet.
I think the reality is that the vast majority of US citizens are abjectly fucking stupid who have no clear understanding how absolutely anything works or any understanding of how consequences follow actions. They literally cannot piece it together. Kind of related to how often correlation and causation are confused by these bumbling fucking buffoons I’m surrounded by.
Nearing the second anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, seven in 10 Americans continue to believe that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein had a role in the attacks, even though the Bush administration and congressional investigators say they have no evidence of this.
Sixty-nine percent of Americans said they thought it at least likely that Hussein was involved in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, according to the latest Washington Post poll. That impression, which exists despite the fact that the hijackers were mostly Saudi nationals acting for al Qaeda, is broadly shared by Democrats, Republicans and independents.
I’m just so fucking tired. It’s literally mentally fucking exhausting to be surrounded by this many fucking idiots for four decades. It’s literally bad for my mental health and I can’t escape it. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills and yet I’m the one who has to go to therapy to fix myself while all these idiots get to just blithely continue to be fucking idiots.
“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”
Fucking eat shit Crystal Minton you fucking travesty of a human being.
the vast majority of US citizens are abjectly fucking stupid who have no clear understanding how absolutely anything works or any understanding of how consequences follow actions
This happens both equally with the maga batshit crazy voters, and the narcissistic “my vote is a pure and delicate flower”/“bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL” non-voters.
Which is of course exploited by bad-faith actors pushing these lazy idiots back down on the couch and stroking their hollow vanity, to not do what they already didn’t want to do - doing the homework instead of just getting their “facts” from twitter or tiktok or whatever, taking the time and effort to register and vote, if just once a year, or at the very least once every two years for the midterms.
These idiots want instant results, have not a shred of a clue as to what political inertia is; just as medieval as maga, they want a political messiah with a magic political wand.
The 2010 midterms proved that these fickle mediocre idiots did NOT have Obama’s back, and lazily initiated a cascade that drowned their own future, rewarded the fascists for their virulent hysterical opposition, and to this day remain mindlessly, narcissistically oblivious to the fact.
Their mediocre motto as a mediocre electoral block is “If at first you don’t succeed, give up.”So much of the world has rightly lost all faith in the intelligence and decency of the average american. As in - they have none, distractedly and lovingly fondling their purity, then sniffing their fingers and picking their teeth with those nails.
Americans were never educated with emotional literacy.
TL;DR for Americans: American citizens are the biggest idiots on the fucking planet.
As an American, I can confirm this.
America isn’t the only place with stupid people.
And, Americans are some of the most heavily propagandized people in the world. it’s subtle, but it doesn’t have to be subtle for it to be effective. It just has to be pervasive.
Is there a problem with poor education? absolutely. Are stupid people voting for trump? absolutely.
This isn’t saying Americans aren’t stupid. we are.
This is a can happen anywhere. And it will happen everywhere people believe it can’t happen.
It isn’t just propaganda, though. Our education system has been being slowly dismantled since Reagan and was kicked into high gear with Bush’s No Child Left Behind where they would shut down schools with bad grades. This lead to a lot of grade inflation to make sure schools could actually keep their funding. It hasn’t even been law since 2015 but the effects still reverberate.
Yes, though, this can happen anywhere. It’s humans that are the problem, not Americans specifically. The dismantling of education and a propagandized populace can happen anywhere. Pretty sure the same shit is on display in Russia we just don’t hear about it as much.
I’m not saying it’s not a problem. I’m saying that stupid people exist everywhere, and yes, you’re right about education being intentionally dismantled to enable all the propaganda to take hold.
But that can happen literally everywhere. and like falling prey to scam artists (which is really what this is,) if you believe yourself immune, you’re the easiest mark.
Perhaps I wasn’t clear in my response. I do agree it can happen anywhere.
Speaking as a Canadian, there is also some much arrogance and ignorance about things outside of your country that baffles my mind (not from all but from a large portion of the population). American exceptionalism and decades of really effective propaganda that has gotten increasingly more unhinged from reality and crumbling education system probably isn’t helping either. (I don’t mean that as an insult, every country has issues, and we were very good neighbors and allies until recently)
That superiority enables leaders to be assholes. It was an intentional effect of the propaganda, and is a standard part of the Asshole-Authoritatian™️ playbook!
But, eh, America is truly exceptional- in how fucked up it is.
America isn’t the only place with stupid people.
That wasn’t the statement that was made.
Close enough, I imagine. See, for example, German elections where AFD took second, in a record-setting upset in Germany’s elections this week. (they came second only to the conservative party; the good news is that they’re unlikely to be part of a coalition because else in Germany hates nazis.)
It absolutely can happen anywhere and that’s the “The Wave” movie was about.
Somebody else dropped that elsewhere and the trailer for it, made me think of like a very dark version of the Dead Poets Society.
A, uh. Very dark version. Gonna have to watch it soon.
Increased blood lead level in children has been correlated with decreases in intelligence, nonverbal reasoning, short-term memory, attention, reading and arithmetic ability, fine motor skills, emotional regulation, and social engagement. … The effect of lead on children’s cognitive abilities takes place at very low levels.
High blood lead levels in adults are also associated with decreases in cognitive performance and with psychiatric symptoms such as depression and anxiety.
That explains the boomers and the older cohort of Gen X but it really doesn’t explain consistently dropping educational success in the past 20 years.
Maybe microplastics?
Also, I’m not sure statistics on aggression actually say much about education levels or understanding of propaganda techniques and so on.
It could also be conditioning and culture. A lot of American culture seems to be centered on the ego, the satisfaction of the ego and then a very fast escalation to anger and violence if the ego is perceived to be threatened.
I don’t think it is realistic to wish it go away with the generation exposed to lead paint. And I doubt it is productive to make microplastics the new excuse.
Covid. It can cross the brain barrier. Losing your sense of taste and smell is a sign of brain damage. A nurse on reddit who works with Covid patients said they noticed an increase in irrational aggressive behaviour in a lot of their patients. Also, people with post Covid syndrome tend to suffer badly from brain fog.
The problem is, most people in the world are used to politicians lying to get elected, or not able to follow through even if they want to.
We are used to broken campaign promises, so it’s a shock when a politician who was elected because he promised nasty things actually follows through. If at least he had promised beneficial things and followed through, that would be nice, but he didn’t. You’re getting the worst scenario of campaign promise fulfillment.
Most of what trump was on about sounded so ridiculous, his base just wrote it off as ‘rattling the libs’. Dems wrote him off as ‘theres no way an idiot like this would get elected’, twice. Both got surprised in their own way.
Most of my dem circle knew what was coming.
My fam is still freaking out at the small shit. He hired this person, he fired that person while the more sweeping horrors are almost passing over them without notice.
I’m like Focus! Compartmentalize! I don’t care that they replaced the head of the FBI and fired all the generals, that was a given. Watch what he does with those seats. Watch what Russia does. We’re under new ownership and the call is NOT coming from inside the house.
I’m not so worried about his people - theyre just the distraction. But some of the policy changes are,.wow.
Any idea what could happen once the tipping point is reached? I mean, how likely is it that the houses of representatives flip on their current stance?
We are an oligarchy now. You can’t just change out the head of the organization and fix that. The vast majority of Congress is owned by corporate greed.
The only change that’s going to work is going to be big ugly nasty change.
Hopefully it never comes to that. That line from interstellar. Brrr…
Trump during the campaign has said a lot of things during the campaign. Some very concerning, some things appealing broadly. Some things he has said polar opposite things at consecutive campaign rallies. (You can still see it happening now with the “Ukraine started the Russian occupation” then “Russia started the Russian occupation”). Some promises he hasn’t done a thing to keep, such as make life affordable. I think a lot of people were holding on to that promise.
A lot of other things he didn’t promise at all, he is doing, supposedly to bury the lede. Did he ever talk about Denmark, Greenland or Panama in his 2024 campaign? We know he likes tariffs but I think the 51st state BS came about after his election.
When he said that he could grab women “by the pussy”, he followed through with it when he raped E Jean Carroll. But when he said that he “could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody”, I don’t think that he has so far.
It seems that his voters are thinking that he’s not serious about the murder thing, but it’s okay if he’s serious about the rape thing, when it’s quite likely that he’s serious about both.
I cut people out on the idea that they think rape isn’t serious and is ok. That to me means they are morally bankrupt and I want no part of it, not going to listen to them defend trump, act like he can do no wrong. Bye, I got better shit to do.
They have a right to their opinion, I have a right to avoid them and cut them from my life.
Give it 30 to 60 days and the Trump Presidency will collapse.
He’s pissing off too many people. He has the lowest approval rating at this point in his Presidency. He has MAGA stalwarts like the New York Post running front page articles against his dealings with Russia.
The stock market is starting to show cracks because of his malfeasance on tariffs and his treatment of allies.
He’s going after the FBI, CIA, and every other alphabet agency. Say what you want about them, they are filled with people who now fear for their jobs in a way they have never had to. That is not how a large agency runs long term.
Finally they need to pass a budget and raise the debt ceiling. All things Republicans have proven incapable of on their own. At some point they will need to come and ask the Democrats for help in doing this or the government will default on the Republicans watch. At that point it will be game over. Trump will look weak and impotent.
I don’t think Trump will have taken over enough of the government to overcome all of these challenges and hold onto power on his own.
If he slows down and consolidates power maybe there will be a different outcome. But that’s not what project 2025 outlines. They want to break everything in the first 100 days. Hopefully he will have broken his own base in the process.
Remind me! 60 days
My god I hope this is true.
Because most Americans don’t pay attention to politics. Like at all.
I think you’ve already answered your own question. Trump’s first presidency was very different from his second. And the key difference is his advisors. No one knew how to deal with Trump in his first presidency, and the overarching pattern above the chaos was his close advisors constantly working against him to protect the system.
In the break between his terms, he found people who would follow any of his directives, no matter how stupid or damaging. Or I should say, they found him. Trump is now being manipulated himself by a group of “loyalists” who stand to gain from the exact chaos Trump was thwarted from doing the first time around. These people know enough about how the systems work to be actually dangerous. And now that his advisors are philosophically aligned with him, he’s actually doing what he says he’s going to do. I would argue the 4 years of a Trump reprieve may have been the worst of all possibilities, because it gave Trump and his new in-group time to find each other and prepare.
But most people weren’t paying attention. Many saw Trump in 2024 just like they saw him in 2016; the counterweight, spoiler, outsider set to upset Washington and get real changes happening. They thought Democrats weren’t helping them enough, and so wanted to upset the apple cart and get someone different in the high seat. They weren’t paying close enough attention to see that this time was actually radically different to all elections before, and I saw many, many people dismissing the warnings as “oh everyone claims their opponents are fascists, or are going to destroy the country.”
So it’s a combination of people not paying attention, as usual, and Trump actually changing how he’s doing things this time in the worst way possible.
One caveat to this, though, is that Trump’s advisors aren’t philosophicaly aligned to Trump, they just have a deal in order to get things done.
Trump doesn’t really seem to care what gets done as long as he can take all the credit and none of the blame. Also, Trump will let his staff do whatever they want as long as they don’t need a personal signoff from Trump. One of the problems with the war hawks trying to get Trump to go to war with Iran in the later half of Trump’s first term is that the military wouldn’t fire without a direct order and Trump refused to give it.
As long as their work can be done without Trump, he is for it as long as they stay loyal to him.
I think this is the primary reason, but I’ll add a couple of thoughts.
His people. The core of his actions right now is ‘project 2025’ which was written by an extreme right wing think tank in Washington called ‘The Heritage Foundation’. They’ve been around since Reagan and have been thought leaders in the GOP all this time. In other words, they know the system extremely well and they are well organised.
His supporters. A large number of his supporters are poor, Christian folk, often from red states. They are poor because the structure of the American economy has been designed to extract money from the non-rich and channel it to big business and rich individuals. Think Walmart and Musk. For 40 years GOP have been telling the lie that billionaires as job creators, that taxes, regulations and unions are bad, that trickle-down economics works. This has led to staggering amounts of money taken from the middle and working classes and piled into bank accounts of the real elites (here meaning billionaires and biggest companies). Trump’s supporters know the economy is rigged and they want to change it. Unfortunately they believe their church leaders (who have unabashedly instructed their flocks on politics and single issues like abortion) and the mainstream media (meaning Fox) who push these lies incessantly. The Democrats have not attacked (let alone resolved) these issues under Obama and Biden. But Trump claims he’ll shake up Washington as an outsider and tackle these issues. His supporters somehow do not equate a nepo baby, ivy-league educated billionaire ex-president as one of the elite. They think of him as ‘their man’.
In short, the propaganda from Fox, the Internet, their churches and their neighbours has persuaded them to vote against their interests and elect a group of elite political insiders and businessmen who have taken 4 years to plan the hostile takeover of the government in order to channel even more money to themselves.
There’s some interesting theories in this thread, but I want to bring up one that I don’t see talked about much; American democracy has been so dysfunctional for so long, the average American citizen absolutely assumes they’re being lied to on the campaign trail. Nobody ever believes a politician is going to accomplish even a quarter of the things they campaign on here. This is a big part of what made Trump so popular, with the line of thinking being “he’s an outsider, so he’ll be different.” The problem then becomes one of cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, Trump being an outsider should be a reason to always take what he says at its face value. On the other, Trump is a politician now, and as established, politicians always lie on the campaign trail, so why would you expect him to keep his promises?
I’m not going to pretend to understand how the average American is able to do the mental gymnastics necessary to maintain these two contradictory ideals, but I think it’s important to point out that a lot of his supporters grew up with zero faith in the democratic process ever helping them.