Can somone please send me a screenshot of this. Preferably with a red circle so I knlw what to look at.
I gotchu fam
Way too high resolution and way too little compression… Also who actually crops images perfectly like that? Get a grip…
To be honest, I’m so sexual-relationsing old that I remember when the word meme actually meant something before it was appropriated and adapted for use to refer to the digital images we share electronically after adding text over them.
I too read the selfish gene back in the days. Not when it was new but before internet memes were a thing
We used to call these “image macros.”
Before that these were captions.
That’s my type of gravy boat.
Am I right or am I right?
The plastic mug obviously symbolizes a cheap method of gathering stuff together and distributing it around. The plastic itself symbolizes materials which hurt the environment.
This completely fucks up this painting because it is not a pipe it is an image of a pipe but it is a meme and one that makes me irrationally angry at that.
It’s not a meme, it’s an image of a meme!
I wrote a report on this in college. Anything can be a meme by definition. It’s the act of sharing images, from one to another, that is what makes it a meme. Because it’s memetic. The origin of meme.
Reciting newton’s newton’s principia mathematica could be considered a meme, as long as it’s shared from one individual to the next.
So they empty pitcher represents the emptiness of memes.
That’s the pitcher I use to refill my humidifier! Does the meme represent the dichotomy between humidifier in winter and lemonade in summer?
there should be a file format for image + overlay text
With the extension .meme of course
By selecting a seemingly unrelated image to the text, stating that the image doesn’t matter, you’ve actually associated a link to the text to prove your point, therefore making the previously unrelated image relevant. Checkmate atheists.
I get it, the pitcher represents the dichotomy of good and evil!
I do not call them “memes” anymore, I just say “look at this image” or “look this video”